Mr Jno Ferryer Newcastle 7ber the 4 1679
I perceive you are one of Capt. English his greatest owners he will Informe you how that I have freighted him who shalt be honestly dealt withall on my side, I question not the like of his, as allsoe your assistance In any thing that may tend to my advantidge In Confidence whereas (though unknowne) makes bold to trouble you with these few lines desiring you to help me with 4 or 5 or 600 Ba
Capt. English Ditto
I hope this will finde you well att Yarmouth Come here againe when you will you shall be welcome, shall Expect you about michaelmas I have writt to Mr Jno. Ferryer to procure me upon freight 4 : 5: or 600 Barrills of Reed Herrings if possible to be done; and have left it wholly to his discretion to agree for the freight thereof, I question not likewise you utmost Endeavours Soe pray Consult with him and att your Leasure advise me wh
Mr Geo: Moorecroft Newcastle 7ber 9th 1679
Sir Though I have not heard from you this long time att wch I doe not a little wonder yet hope that you are not unmindful of my Concernes I <lighting> of the Inclosed yesterday thought <concerned> to send you itt and desire that you will be pleased to take notice of it accordingly I am M B
Mr Claude Hays ditto
Being without any of yours, will Cause brevity this being Chiefly to lett you know that Lawrence Sturman not being able to procure any butter at the price limited unto him did order me £35 <backe> against wch by this I remitt you In good bill upon Mr Tho: Harupp an accot. for the Remainder Cannot send till next post In the meanwhile remaine M B
Tho: Finley ditto
Faile not to meete Mr <Raine> and me att Durham tomorrow morning as soone as is possible that Soe we may have time to discourse of all business and get home that night, Soe Relying upon your I remaine M B
Mr Edmond Thaxter ditto
I have yours of the primo present but not one word from Mr Wakeman I heartily thank you for what you have done pray trouble yourself noe further Mr <Dunster> will doe my business, who shortly will be att your towne. I wish with all my heart you Could Secure me 7 or 800 Barrills of Herring upon freight as soone as be feasible, pray lett me have notice of itt and upon what tearmes for will take them In as Cheape as any o
Mr Geo. < Torriano > Newcastle 7ber the 9th 79
I perceive by my friend Mr Jno. Launce of Marseilles that you shortly Intend him a ship along with good Convoy if soe I desire you would please to do me a Kindnesse as att your Leasure In a line or two to mention unto me wt Convoy and upon wt tearmes you will Carry me 4: 5 or 600 ps Leed and 100 or 150 Casks of Leed Oare In doing whereof you will very much oblidge him who if thought Capable of serving you In this place upon
Mr Geo: Moorecroft Newcastle 7ber the 13th 1679
I hope ere this that you have Received the Injunction wch I sent you and I desire that you will take care of the Business for they doe intend as I perceive to try itt to the uttermost, and If they Can possibly wrong me they will due itt Soe I once more desire that your Speciall care may be taken of itt, and that you will lett me have a line from you every fourteen days of your proceedings, w
Mr Tho: Finley ditto
Whereas I promised when we were last togeather to meete you att Richmond faire, Since my comeing home business pulling out contrary to Expectations Cannot possibly due itt, Soe desire that our meeting may be referred till another time, wch whenever you will appointe I shall be ready to waite on you.
If you meet with Esqr. . Bowes pray present my Humb. Service to him and tell him that I cannot possibly meet him neither and In doing
Mr Peter Bar Newcastle 7ber the 13th 1679
I have your little note of the 9th present I heartily thank you for your care In forwarding me my letter from Mssrs Andre Hebert pere et filz of Paris as allsoe for Sending my bill of <W> 302 : 11 : 6 d for acceptance for the bill of <W> 500 I had upon you I have Endorsed itt to a friend, I hope shortly Mssrs Heberts will remit your money upon my accot., and I wonder I heare nothing
Mr Dunster ditto
I make bold to trouble you with these few lines (not that I < faire> but that you will remember the old business with my friend Mr Bell) to desire that favour of you that you will give me the grant of the first water place that falls In the port, (I can assure you and if my word will not be taken, both Sir Wm Blackett, and Sir John Eden will be bound with me) that I will put in a very honest man this being the first kindness I ever begged of you,
Mr Edmond Thaxter Newcastle 7ber the 13th 1679
I give you many thanks for your care of my Concerns and if I may be thought capable of your Commands here I shall Embrace them with all my heart, I desire that if you can procure me 4: 5: 6: or 700 Barrils of Herrings upon freight that you will be pleased to doe itt, and that you will be pleased to deliver them Inclosed to Mr Dunster with your own hand, and In doing thereof you will very much oblidge
Mr Jam. Burkin and Compy ditto
I have received yours of the 9th present with an Inclosed deed, relateing to Alderman Brabands and your Concerne, to wch at present can find noe answer, for by Speciall Command <sd> Braband is gone to Welbeck to wait upon his grace the Duke of Newcastle, when he comes home shall Compare notes together, if any objection Can doe noe more than advise you thereof, but for promoting of your interest shall doe as much as lies in the po
Mssrs Andre Hebert and Compee Newcastle 7ber the 13th 1679
I have yours of the 30th past and 13th past, wch should have beene <present>, In your former have a <Remisse> of <W/LL> 500 att 54 ¼ wch is accepted and noted accordingly, I wish you could get all your bills upon the very same person.
In your latter I perceive you have remitted me <W/LL> 302 :11:6d In a <douer> bill and have Sent the same to
Mr Jno. Launce Newcastle 7ber the 16th 1679
My last to you was of the 19th past, Since have Received yours of the 12th past and 2nd present. In the former have accot. of my 400 pcs Leed, as allsoe accot. Currt. and observe you have remitted the nett proceed unto msrs. Andre Hibert and Compy wch is well.
I have freighted Capt English who God willing may Expect along with the Herring Fleet and by whome beside a great quantity of Leed
Mr Wm. <Rigault> Newcastle 7ber the 16th 79
I have yours of the 6th I must Confess I should have Sent you accot. of the goods aboard Lawrence Sturman before now, but Business of greater Concern did hinder me, Soe must begg your Excuse underneath you have itt nor doe I think any harme done In Chargeing wt I did upon Mr Hayes, for In the first Place I was out in purse a great deale more, to men that I Sent into the Country to buy Butter for
Mr Claude Hayes Newcastle 7ber the 16th 1679
I have yours of the 9th. I have this post Satisfyed Mr <Rigaull> how that I was not to blame in Charging Soe much mony upon you, but the foolishnesse of yr Ma[ster] however I hope there was noe great harme done, for as Soone as was I knew itt did immediately Send you a bill wch I hope Came time enough to answer the other itt has not a little vexed me
I am M B
he is Dr [deb
Mr Geo: Moore ditto
I have yours of the 11th Inst. Confess there was greate losse In your Corne, but itt was as Exactly measured as our Corne was, and <not> a <Bus[hell]> more did itt hold out, you mention a mistake in your Last Line or 2 for 63/w[eeks] att <2.s.2d Coase> over yr accot. againe and you will finde or att least itt should be 2½.s <p weeke>, wch will rectify the Error. I am
Edwd. Milburne Newcastle 7ber the 20: 1679
I have received yours of the 13th am glad of yr arrival I have post a bill upon you for £300: per 30 /d[ays] date to Mr Nich. Harding or order, to wch I expect your Complyance I know if you desire 5 or 6 /d forbearance he will not Stand with you for itt, and besides will <keep Secrecy> mine is £290:= <Mark Douer> Saith he must have £20:-:- of you, having occation for mony, In all £31
Mr Nich. Harding Newcastle 7ber the 20: 79
I question not but you have mett with Edwd. Milburne and have gott my bill accepted, I have a letter from him where he saith he will without faile pay the mony, but for <some> of his neglect, Inclosed doe send you papers, whereby you must force him to be punctuall. he does desire you would not be too earnest wth himm In wch use your discretion but I will desire you not to tell abroad his occa
Mr Peter Bar Newcastle 7ber the 23rd 1679
I have yours of the 16th and 18th but had one from Milborne himself before, either, where he desired me to lett none know he runs upon Botomary, I desire you to be private and meddle noe more with itt, for have given my Originall deeds to my Attorney Mr Nich. Harding, as allsoe a bill for that mony and more, who will be Secret and civill to him if any <necessity> for itt, I wonder I heare n
Mr Geo: Galbraith Newcastle 7ber the 23rd 1679
I doe wonder I should not have had one line from you in Soe long a time, whereof am sorry I should be in your debt Soe long, I am Certaine I have writt you Severall letters, allsoe have desired my cosin Wm. Blackett to write you, yet could never get one line In Answer, however your bill of £48:10s 9d <Slh> when presented shall be accepted and when dew shall be punctually paid. I am
Mr Nich. Harding ditto
Last post I sent you Edwd. Milburnes Botomary bill for £290 and when I writt you the needful, wch I hope came safe to hand, now I must desire you to keep Councill, and acquaint noe marchands that he runs upon botomary for if you doe may undoe him, wch I would not have done, you may be spurring of him for the mony, but not to be too keene, for you have the shipp fast enough, you need not lett his <sturr>, and for the time you forbe
Mr Edmond Thaxter ditto
I have yours of the 12th present whereby I perceive you cannot att present give me yr advice formerly desired wch I desire you will be pleased to afford me as soone as possible likewise not to direct your lettere to Mr Nich: Blackett but to Mich: Blackett; this being the needful att present remaines
not one word from Mr Wakeman
Mr Jam: Burkin Newcastle 7ber the 23rd 79
Last night Alderman Braband Came home, this day shall be Spoken too, and per next advise you the needful In this I meane while remaine as really I am M B