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Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 29 Jun 1680

Mr Peter Bar Newcastle June 29th 1680 I have ths day valewed upon you a bill for £60: p 25/d[ays] sight to mr Saml Clutterbucke or ord[er] valew of mr Wm Mackmorran wch pray lett be complyed withall I am going into the Country soe <nedde> not expect any letters from me till my return, before wch time i hope you will have received the Contents of my bills wch I sent you and I shall valew the remainder upon you soe remaines MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to John Strother – 2 Jul 1680

Mr Jno Strother Newcastle July 2nd 1680 The above is Coppy of wt I writt you by Ch: Blackett, since none from you soe the lesse to Enlardge upon ths being chiefly to Confirme the same, desiring tht itt may be punctually complyed withall in every p[ar]ticular soe remaines MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Charles Banks – 2 Jul 1680

Mr Ch: Bankes Newcastle July 2nd 1680 I have yours of the 18th past wth the several Inclosers wch shall fully answer wthin a post or two I desire you to forward the Inclosed, and to advise Mr Strother wthall tht you will accept his bills to the valew of One hundered and fifty pounds more, but I am satisfyed he will have occation for none, however if he doe as you are In disburse may as freeley reimburse yor selfe upon MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to John Banks – 2 Jul 1680

Mr Jno Bankes Newcastle July 2nd 1680 I have received yours of the 26th past doe tacke notice you have paid the £300:- and valewed the £200:= <$> The £100:- for Leed I have not yett sent, deferring itt on purpose till I went myselfe for must [be] there within 6 or 7 d[ays] and thn shall pay itt wth my owne hands according to your order, and I will freely pay there upon my owne charge and riske 2 3 or £400: att any time to whome you shall order itt, provided you will give me lea

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Burkin – 2 Jul 1680

Mr James Burkin Newcastle July 2nd1680 I received yours of the 26th past wth severall Inclosed notes wch you might as well kept by you, for if not paid one voyage they will another, and they all tell me you never sent to thm, within a post or two shall send you other notes wch you may please leave wth mr Harup and he will procure you the money you say tht you are Informed Jno Wood Esqr is satisfyed for the bill of £230:= I know very certainely to the contrary, now I fancy he saiis soe ap

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 6 Jul 1680

Mr Peter Bar Newc[astle] July 6th 1680 I heard lately from my ma[ster] who ordered me to advise you tht he has a parcell of <anckor palins> of all sizes from 12 to 26 Inches, Old shopp keepers, some 10, some 15, some 20 years, he himselfe has had thm ths six yeares and has not disposed of six, soe he desired the favour of you tht you would be pleased to advise him if you thinke they would sell wth you and wt price they would give he had ths long time had a desire to send thm ei

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Burkin – 9 Jul 1680

Mr James Burkin and Comp Newcastle July 9th 1680 Srs I have yours of the 3rd Contents have observed I am still in the minde tht the £230:= is not paid and tht there is time <anoiu> for the payment of my £140, wch as I writt you in my last doe not pay itt till further order and wn I doe desire you to pay itt shall send you good bills for yor Rum & <aisincts> Inclosed I returne you the bill of £50: wch you sent me last past and doe desire the kindness of y

Letters – Michael Blackett to William Nephew – 9 Jul 1680

Mr Wm Nephew Newc[astle] July 9th 1680 Sr I have not writt you ths long time for want of occation ths being chiefly to desire ths favour of you tht upon receipt hereof you will immediately be pleased to write to Plym[outh], falm[th], foy, and Cows there to desire your friends there to Enquire after a large vessell whereof mr Jono Wetwang (Capt Wetwangs sonne) is Commander and if to <be> mett wthall to gett him arrested att my suite of £100: the bussiness is tht ths 2 <wks> he

Letters – Michael Blackett to William Nephew – 13 Jul 1680

Mr Wm Nephew Newc[astle] July 13th 1680 My last to you was of the 9th p[re]sent the contents whereof was, tht upon receipt thereof, you would be pleased to write to yor friends att Plym[th] falm[th] foy and the Cows to desire thm to Enquire after a lardge vessell whereof mr Jno Wetwang is m[aster] and to gett him arrested att my suite for £100 But since having some Encouragement and hopes tht my money will be paid me att London desire you tht if you have done anything in ths Concerne you

Letters – John Wilkinson to Peter Bar – 21 Jul 1680

Mr Peter Bar Newcastle July 21st 1680 This comes to accompany mr Wm Burton Commander of the Seaventure of London In whome by my ma[ster]s order have loaden and Consyned unto the following goods viz 64 Ladoles 330 Anchor palms 49 bearing barrs 10 shovells 55 pann plates 54 hammer heds 62 Coulters – All of wch be pleased to receive and make wt you can of thm, for we can make nothing of thm here, soe referring the disposal of thm to yor prudent manedgemt not doubting in the

Letters – John Wilkinson to William Nephew – 23 Jul 1680

Mr Wm Nephew Newcastle July 23rd 1680 In my Ma[ster]s absence is comed to hand yours of the Instant the Contents whereof have well observed, and <gives> you many thankes for your care for my ma[ster]s concernes of wch I neede not mention any thing, being my Ma[ster] writt you ths last past the needfull concerneing itt, wch I hope are ths will be comed safe to your hands – as for the price of good new Butter tis sold now for 14.8 and noe likelyhood of its rising but r

Letters – John Wilkinson to James Burkin – 23 Jul 1680

Mr Jam: Burkin and Comp[any] Do My ma[ster] ordered me to write you and to lett you know tht he <p[er]ceives> you have received the £30 of Wm Burton likewise the bill of £50 soe upon the 22nd Instant made bold to valew upon you a bill for £80 p 29/d [payable in 29 days] sight to mr Wm Mackmorran or order valew of himselfe wch he desires you will be pleased to comply wth all having paid the money himselfe here upon the 21 Instant concerneing wch he told me he would write you the ne

Letters – Michael Blackett to Matthew Skinner – 10 Aug 1680

Mr Matthew Skinner Newc[astle] Aug 10th 1680 I have before me yors of the 3rd p[re]sent the Contents whereof have well observed and In answer to wch may please take notice, tht for Darbyshire Led we have never any here but small piggs <16> goeing to the fodder, each fodder qtt 21cwt each hundred 112 lb of wch if you have att any time a desire to venter 10: 12 or 14 hundred ps [pieces] I shall be very willing to be <½> concerned wth you, the p[re]sent price of Leed [Lead] is

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 10 Aug 1680

Mr Peter Bar Do I have before me yors of the 3rd p[re]sent and tacke noteice tht you are bid £5: or <..> p[er] tonn for my palms, truly I will Throw thm into the Thames before I tacke any such price, having knowne thm sold att £18:= p[er] tonn and myselfe have sold seve[eral] small p[ar]cels att London for £15 p tonn soe if you can gett noe more doe desire you to send thm either for Rochell Brist [Brest?] by the first convenience – Inclosed I have sent you a bill for £23.19.9

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Cooke – 10 Aug 1680

Mr James Cooke Newc[astle] Aug 10th 1680 Yours I reed and have Inclosed sent you a note for One hondred & fifty pounds and desire you to receive the money <as> dew to yo[ur]selfe, and presse him very earnestly for the paymt of itt, never lett a day passe but lett him have a messenger, and tell him you must have the money otherwise you will not tacke itt well from me In short be as earnest as ever you can for itt I am MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to John English – 10 Aug 1680

Mr Jno English Do I have before me yors of the 30th past the contents whereof have tacken seriously into consideration and I never didd, neither doe I now refuse to pay you yor freight, provided you will either come yorselfe or send some honest man to acct wth me, and and allow me for wt I can prove myselfe damnifyed, and not to send me such mad hat headed fellows as the Last, if we goe to Law itt shall be against my will wch pray consider of remaining MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Edward Crisp – 10 Aug 1680

Mr Edwd Crispe Newcastle Aug 10th 1680 I have ths day valued upon you a bill for £23.19.9d p upon sight <unto mr> Peter Bar or order valew wthin myself wch pray lett be compyed withall being wt you have <order> to pay unto me for mr Jno Launce of Marseilles I am MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to William Hope – 10 Aug 1680

Mr Wm Hope Newcastle Aug 10th 1680 Upon sight hereof faile not to pay unto mr James Cooke or order £150:= in hopes of yor Immediate complyance I remaine MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Grieve – 13 Aug 1680

Mr James Greive Newcastle 1680 Whereas you write mr Thos Smith tht you writt me a lettr 14/d[ays] agoe and wonder tht as yet you never received an answer, I am not like to answer letters wn I never receive any for I have not had one line from you ths 2/m[onths] Soe I desire you lett me know p[er] next wt it was you writt about and thn God willing and answer shall be afforded you, Pray lett me know how Coffee Rules wth you and In doeing whereof you will very much oblidge MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Richard Hutchinson – 13 Aug 1680

Mr Richd Hutchinson New[castle] Aug 13th 1680 Yours of the 7th p[re]sent have received an in answer to wch may please take notice tht I cannot make any of your Attorneys understand how to make ths assignment, sow I desire you to get one made, and send me itt and I shall singe itt I am MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Cooke – 14 Aug 1680

Mr James Cooke New[castl]e Aug 14th 1680 My last to you was of the 10th p[re]sent the Contents whereof was tht you would be pleased to receive of my Unckle <Hoope> £150:= wth Interest for the same To my Creditt In wch to Confirme me a line att your Leasure would be very acceptable unto MB If you have not recd the same I Expect itt is the fault soe have placed the same To your debitt

Letters – Michael Blackett to Robert Lamb – 14 Aug 1680

Do Writt to mr Robt Lambe and desired him to send me 2 or 3 waines to Bladon on monday morning wher I will be to meete thm MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Thomas Blackston – 14 Aug 1680

Do Writt mr Thos Blackston and desired him to meete me att Sr Robt Edens att West Auckland on Tuesday might or Wednesday morning very early MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Matthew Lamb – 14 Aug 1680

Writt mr Lambe and desire him to meete me att Sr Robt Eden upon tuesday Night

Letters – Michael Blackett to Matthew Skinner – 21 Aug 1680

Mr Matthew Skinner Newcastle Augt 21st 1680 I have before me yors of the 17th p[re]sent the contents whereof have well observed, and In answer to wch I desire you not to faile To send me my Coffer by by the first convenience In wch I desire yor complyance & remaine MB
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467