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Letters – Michael Blackett to James Grieve – 7 Jan 1681

Mr James Grieve Newctl January the 7th 1680 Sr I rece yor of the 15th past and shall Godd willing send you the £61.7.8 you disbursed by the first shipp tht comes yor place I am MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Richard Hutchinson – 7 Jan 1681

Mr Richd Hutchinson Do Sr yors of the 21st and 23rd past I recd and give you many thankes for yor care In Endeavouring to gett me my monies about wch I desire a line from you once in 14/d I am MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Edward Crisp – 7 Jan 1681

Mr Edwd Crispe Do Sr Yors of the 21st past I recd and In answer to wch may please to take notice tht noe Leed is here to be procured att 9<8>s p[er] fotther ths being wt the p[re]sent offers I remaine MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 7 Jan 1681

Mr Peter Bar Do Sr I have yor of the 21 and 28th past and am not a little sorry att the distrust you have taken of me but neither you nor noe man In England neede feare looseing of one farthing by me If you have not goods of mine pr yor hands to the valew of £126.10.8 tis the strangest thing tht ever was knowne In the world, If they do not come to £250: or above I am Certaine I shall be a great looser by thm and wn goods In yor hands you never used to refuse me tht kindnessse; allo

Letters – Michael Blackett to Matthew Skinner – 8 Jan 1681

Mr M Skinner Newctl Jan 8th 80 Sr I have ths day valewed upon you the ballance of yor acct wch is £37.=:5d p 20/d sight to Mr Richd Wall or order valew of himselfe and if any thing to be abate may please too acct wth mr Peter Bar to whome last post I writt my minde att lardge, and pay the remainder pray Sr lett a peacefull end be made of itt soe remaines MB Shipping of the 300 ps Leed being I would gladly be quitt of thm

Letters – Michael Blackett to Hubert Aylwyn – 8 Jan 1681

Mr Hurbt Aylwin Do Sr I have befor me yors of the 4th p[re]sent and I immediately after receipt thereof did repaire unto mr Robt Wetwang and did ofer all the Endeavour I could to prevaile wth him to accept yor bill, to wch he gave me answer tht itt was once protested mr George Merton, and he will noe waies meddle wth itt – I shall God willing give you an answer as to yor acct wthin a post or two In the Interim I wish you wth all my heart a happy and prosperous new yeare and remaines

Letters – John Wilkinson to Edward Crisp – 15 Jan 1681

Mr Edwd Crispe Newctl Jan 15th 80 Sr In my maers [master’s] is comed to hands yors of the 11th p[re]sent whereby I p[er]ceive tht you could not well discerne by my maers of the 7th wheather the price of Leed be £9. or more soe to discover itt the better unto you I have sent a coppy of itt & remaines MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Matthew Skinner – 22 Jan 1681

Mr Matthew Skinner Newctl January the 22nd 80/81 Sr Att my returne out in the Country doe meete wth yors of the 13th Instant, and In answer to wch may please take notice tht wtever mr Bar and you have agreed you to be abated I am very well content, but as for the letter wch you say you wrote me, to wch I gave you noe answer I will assure you I never reed any such wch if I had I should not have neglected the answering of itt in due time for tis not my use soe to doe except my business i

Letters – Michael Blackett to Richard Hutchinson – 22 Jan 1681

Mr Richd Hutchinson Do Sr I have before me yors of the 18th Instant, and gives you many thanks for yor great care of my concerne wch I wholly leave to yor discretion, and wtever you doe therin shall be to my satisfaction soe remaines MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Cooke – 22 Jan 1681

Mr James Cook Sr Accoringly as my Unckle Hoope writt you me <in> the letter wch you have in yor hands, I question not but you received the money soe desires you to pay itt either to Henry Lowes <or> to give him bill for me for the same and In doeing whereof you will very much oblige MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 22 Jan 1681

Mr Peter Bar Newctl January the 22nd 80/81 Sr Att my returne out in the Country doe meete wth yors of the 8th Instant wth the Inclosed from mr Jno Launce of Marseille the Contents whereof have well observed and In answer to wch may please take notice tht I haveing occation for money will send noe skinns ths yeare for Marseilles, soe desires you to dispose of thm as soone as possibly you can tht you may reimburse yorselfe, wch I would gladly have done being desirous to have an end of a

Letters – Michael Blackett to Robert Jackson – 22 Jan 1681

Mr Robt Jackson Do Sr In conformity to yor desire and to my promise I send you ths to lett you know, tht Immediately after I lighted from my horse I repaired to mr Robt Wetwang who has <sold> all his deales and was to be dd wn I came home att £3.7.<6d> ready money but seeing we were soe neare an agreemt I prevailed wth him to stopp 3 or 4000 [struck out: deales] wch if you please to have att the same price agreed upon, paying ready money they shall be att yor servic

Letters – Michael Blackett to Edward Crisp – 25 Jan 1681

Mr Edwd Crispe Newctl January the 25nd 80/81 Sr I have before me yors of the 20th Instant wherein you write tht I writt you in mine tht Leed is here to be procured att £9 or £9.2s att the most, I will assure you I never writt you any such thing for I writt tht noe Leed is here to be procured £9 and I believe hardly att £9.10s for itt is generally sold att £9.15s I should not question to procure some att £9.10s <first penny> att wch price if you please to have any I desire y

Letters – Michael Blackett to Matthew Skinner – 25 Jan 1681

Mr Ma Skinner Do Sr Next post you may expect to heare of the shipping of 200 ps of yor Leed if not of 300 – Our best Coales wch is Lemington are att p[re]sent 10s p[er] Ch att wch price they were sold both last week and ths week, As for wt you desire about Leed Oare there is another and myselfe tht for ths severall yeares by past have bought all we could lye our hands on save onely some insignificant small p[ar]cells, and wthin 14/d will be the time of the yeare for agreeing agai

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 25 Jan 1681

Mr Peter Bar Newctl Janu the 25th 80/81 Sr I have att last mett wth my Custom.e and we have refernd all business, butt comeing to the pointe I finde I want the original bill of saile the note of chardges and damadges and all other papers, soe I desire you if you have thm to dispatch thm Immediately unto me, or if not you will be pleased to send for thm to Dunkirke and gett me thm wth all speed possible tht soe I may know wt to demand, I long to heare of the saile of my calfe skinns I

Letters – Michael Blackett to Peter Bar – 25 Jan 1681

Mr Peter Bar Newctl January the 29th 80/81 Sr I haveing five douzen of calfe skinns remaining in my hands, did ths day putt thm aboard of the <adieu> of Newctl Mr Jno Ottway Ma.r for yor place wch wn please God he arrives I desire you tht you will be pleased to lett yor man call of him for the same, and despose of thm wth the rest, you are to pay the ma[st]er noe freight, ths being the needfull att p[re]sent I kisse yor hands and remaine MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Matthew Skinner – 29 Jan 1681

Mr Matthew Skinner Do Sr ths comes to accompany mr Jno Ottway ma[st]er of the <adieu> of of Newctl In whome I have loaden and consigned unto you yor three hundred pieces of Leed wch after good arrivall be pleased to receive paying the ma[st]er 6d p[er] pigg freight for the same and In doeing whereof you will very much oblige MB Mr Matthew Skinner Do Sr The above is Coppy of wt writt you p[er] mr Jno Ottway wch I doe by ths Confirme and remaine MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Edward Crisp – 1 Feb 1681

Mr Edwd Crispe Newctl February p[re]m 1680/81 Sr I have recd yors wth a letter of Creditt upon mr Robt Fenwicke for £50: or £60: wch have delivered, but once againe I can buy noe Leed neither for £9 nor £9.2s none now to be gotten under £9.12 and rises every day, but I have made a Conditionall agreemt wth mr Hanry Bland for 100 ps for £9.10s if you agree thereof, and have given him £10: In earnest wch did reveive of mr Fenwicke soe upon yor answer shall either gett thm weighed of

Letters – Michael Blackett to John Wrenn – 1 Feb 1681

Mr Jno Wrenn Do Sr I have received yors of the 12th past and am very willing to serve you in any thing to my power, I have mett Sr Ralph Jaimison severall times, but cannot prevaile wth him to give you above two Gynneys wch I am unwilling to take without yor order In the respect tht he did offer you five before me wn you were here I cannot advise you yett of my Comeing to London soe remaines MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 1 Feb 1681

Mr Henry Nelthorpe Do Yors I received and In answer to wch I desire you either to send me an acct of Interest of to lett me know wt you will desire and Immediately upon receipt thereof itt shall be remitted unto you by him tht is MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to John Wrenn – 5 Feb 1681

Mr Jno Wrenn Newctl feb the 5th 1680/1 Sr I have received yors and Immediately after receipt thereof did goe to Elswicke to Sr Ralph Jennison, of whome wth much adoe I have prevailed to pay me Three Pounds deducting 13/8 wch he saies he paid to Mr Mickleson for takeing out the administracion soe I have remaineing in my hands, Two pounds, six shillings, and six pence wch I have ths day ordered mr Jno Ottway Ma[ster] of the adieu of Newctl to pay unto you and desires you fo dd ths to hi

Letters – Michael Blackett to James Cooke – 5 Feb 1681

Mr James Cooke Do Sr Yors I recd wherein you write tht you had received of my Unckle Stoope £100:= and tht you would send me a bill for the same, wch to ths houre I have not received, att wch I doe not a little wonder I desire you to send me a bill for itt the next post without faile and In doeing whereof you will very much oblige MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Francis Davison – 6 Feb 1681

Mr Francis Daveson Do Sr I desire you tht you will doe as much for as to pay unto Mr Jno Wrenn or order £2.6.6 and receive a little dogg of him of wch I desire you to have a great deale of Care, I have ths post writt Mr Wrenn and ordered him to receive the mony of you and desired him to dd you ths day I am MB

Letters – Michael Blackett to Edward Crisp – 8 Feb 1681

Mr Edwd Crispe Newctl fb 8th 1688/1 Sr whereas I formerly writt you tht I had conditionally agreed for 100 ps Leed att £9.10s p[er] fodder and tht I had given him £10 In Earnest provided you agreed of itt have since agreed wth Madam Gray for 100 ps att £9.10s and to be delivered aboard free of all charges save onely my Commission I have allready recd of mr Fenwicke £60.= and shall God willing shipp you the Leed p[er] the first opportunity and p[er] post as soone as shipt an Invoyce of i

Letters – Michael Blackett to John Wrenn – 8 Feb 1681

Mr Jno Wrenn Do Sr whereas I formerly writt you tht I had ordered Mr Jno Ottway to pay you £2: 6. 6d the winde being contrary and he not yett sailed and p[er]haps may not ths 14/d have ths day writt to Mr Francis Daveson to pay the same unto you and to receive the token <tht> you promise me, wch I desire you tht you will be pleased to dd unto him – Inclosed you have a note upon him and may and may allwaies finde him att Mr Ralph <Harrapps> In Thames Street soe ths
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467