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Witness Depositions – Stephen Thompson – 2 Apr 1690

Stephen Thompson of Mickley in the County of Northumberland yeom aged Fifty Three yeares or thereaboutes Sworne and Examined Deposeth as followeth. To the Second Third Fowerth and last Interr[ogator]ys this Depont saith that he this Depont for others and the whole Countrey round for about Forty yeares last past to the knowledge of this Depont untill of late had used and Enjoyed a com[m]on high way for Leading and Carrying of wood Barke Slates Lead and such like Comodities with waines Carts C

Witness Depositions – Nicholas Laverick – 2 Apr 1690

Nicholas Lavericke of Winlaton in the County of Durham aged Fifty yeares or thereaboutes Sworne and Examined Deposeth as followeth. 2 3 & 4 To the Second Third and Fowerth Interr[ogator]ys this Depont saith that to his knowledge for about Fifty yeares last past untill of late there hath beene a Com[m]on high way for Carts & carriages by the Mooregate or Stellagate, by the Bogg or Blackmires to the Peth-head and soe Downe the Peth to the Two Lead hills att Stella and Blaydon; and this

Witness Depositions – George Farbridge – 2 Apr 1690

George Farbridge of Hedley in the County of Northumberland aged Forty yeares or thereaboutes Sworne and Examined Deposeth as followeth. 2 3 4 & 5 To the Second Third Fowerth and Fifth Interr[ogator]ys this Depont saith that he this Depont and the Country round for about Thirty yeares last past to the knowledge of this Depont hath ledd and Carryed Timber Slates barke and such like Comodities from Hedley and Elsewhere as occasion offered both in Northumberland and Durham with waines Carts &

Witness Depositions – Christopher Bates – 2 Apr 1690

Christopher Bates of Prudhoe in the County of Northumberland yeom ages Fifty Five yeares or thereaboutes Sworne and Examined. 2 & 4 To the Second and Fowerth Interr[ogator]ys this Depont saith that he this Depont and the whole Countrey round both in the Countys of Northumberland and Durham for these Forty yeares by past to the knowledge of this Depont both from Hedley Towne Muggleswick park Black Hedley, Shilford Hexham Cooper house Wharnaley and Severall other places in the Countys of No

Witness Depositions – John Robson – 2 Apr 1690

John Robson of Prudhoe in the County of Northumberland yeom aged Fifty Nine yeares or thereaboutes Sworne and Examined. 2 & 4 To the Second and Fowerth Interr[ogator]ys this Depont saith that he & the whole Countrey round about for these forty yeares by past and upwards, to the knowledge of this Depont hath held & Enjoyed a com[m]on high way from Hedley Prudhoe the Ryding and many other places both in the Countyes of Northumberland & Durham for carrying and Leading with Carts

Witness Depositions – Cuthbert Dryden – 2 Apr 1690

Cuthbert Dryden of Prudhoe in the County of Northumberland yeom ages Fifty Fower yeares or thereaboutes Sworn & Examined Deposeth as followeth. 2 4 & 5 To the Second Fowerth and Fifth Interr[ogator]ys this Depont saith that he this Depont and the whole inhabitants within the neighbouring parts of the County's of Northumberland & Durham as occasion was for above thes Thirty Eight yeares last or thereaboutes to the knowledge of the Depont have had used & Enjoyed a Com[m]on

Witness Depositions – John Man – 2 Apr 1690

John Man of Prudhoe in the County of Northumberland yeom aged Sixty five yeares or thereaboutes Sworne & Examined 2 4 & 5 To the Second Fowerth and Fifth Interr[ogator]ys this Depont saith that he this Depont and all the people in or inhabitants within neighbouring places of the Several Countys of Northumberland and Surham as occasion required for these Fifty yeares last past or upwards untill within these two or three yeares to the knowledge of this Depont have held and Enjoyed a com

Witness Depositions – Edward Lumley – 2 Apr 1690

Edward Lumley of Prudhoe in the county of Northumberland yeom aged Sixty one yeares or thereaboutes Sworne and Examined. 2 4 & 5 To the Second Fowerth and Fifth Interr[ogator]ys this Depont saith that he this Depont and the whole inhabitants within the neighboureing parts ot the Countys of Northumberland & Durham as occasion requires for these Forty Five yeares past or thereaboutes to the knowledge of this Depont hath held used and Enjoyed Com[m]on high way for Leading & carrying

Witness Depositions – Richard Richardson – 2 Apr 1690

Richard Richardson of Blaydon in the County of Northumberland yeom aged Sixty Fower yeares or thereaboutes Sworne & Examined Deposeth as followeth. [word(s) obscured] Fowerth Interr[ogator]ys this saith that to his knowledge for about these Fify five yeares last past untill within [t]hese Two or three yeares there hath beene a Com[m]on high way for [word(s) obscured] <carrying> of wood Lead and such like Com[m]odities for all the King & Queenes Subjects and inhabitants round the

Witness Depositions – George Stokoe – 2 Apr 1690

George Stokoe of Blaydon Towne in the County of Durham wherryman aged Seaventy yeares or theraboutes Sworne and Examined Deposeth as followeth. 2 & 4 To the Second and Fowerth Interr[ogator]ys this Depont saith that he knowes that for these Sixty yeares last past and upwards untill with these Two or three yeares, there hath beene a Com[m]on high way for Carts waines and Carriages for the Leading and Carrying of great Timber Lead and such like comodities for all Inhabitants round the Count

Witness Depositions – William Rowell – 2 Apr 1690

William Rowell of Winlaton in the County of Durham aged Sixty one yeares or thereaboutes Sworne & Examined Deposeth as followeth. 2 & 4 To the Second and Fowerth Interr[ogator]ys this Depont saith he very well knowes and remembers that for these Fifty yeares last past or thereaboutes there hath beene com[m]on high way for Carts waines & Carriages for Carrying and Leading of <pe>at Timber Lead & such like Comodities for all Inhabitants round the Countrey in the severall

Witness Depositions – Cuthbert Robinson – 2 Apr 1690

Cuthbert Robinson of Winlaton in the County of Durham yeom ages Eighty yeares or thereaboutes Sworne & Examined 2 & 4 To the Second and Fowerth Interr[ogator]ys this Depont saith that to his knowledge for about these Fifty yeares last past untill of late there hath beebe a Com[m]onh igh way for cart and Carriages by the <Mooregate> or Stellagate and soe by the Bogg or Blackmire to the Peth head and soe Downe the Peth to the Two Leadhills att Stella and Blaydon and this Depont ha

Witness Depositions – John Selby – 2 Apr 1690

John Selby of Wheelebirkes in the County of Northumberland yeom aged Sixty Six yeares or thereaboutes Sworne & examined Deposeth as followeth. 2 4 & 5 To the Second Fowerth and Fifth Interr[ogator]ys this Depont saith that for these Fifty yeares last past he this Depont and the whole Countrey round both of Northumberland and Durham as they had occasion, to the knowledge of this Depont had used and Enjoyed a Com[m]on high way for leading & carrying with waines Carts and Carriages w

Witness Depositions – Thomas Newton – 2 Apr 1690

Thomas Newton of Prudhoe in the County of Northumberland yeom aged sixty six Yeares or theraboutes Sworne & Examined Desposeth as follweth. 2 4 & 5 To the Second Fowerth and Fifth Interr[ogator]ys this Depont saith that he this Depont and the whole neighbouring inhabitants both in the Countys of Northumberland & Durham for these Fifty yeares last past and upwards to the knowledge of this Depont untill of Late have had used & Enjoyed a Com[m]on high way for leading and Carrying

Witness Depositions – Michael Robinson – 2 Apr 1690

Michael Robinson of Blaydon Staithes in the County of Durham Gent aged Thirty Six yeares or thereaboutes Sworne & Examined Deposeth as followeth. 2 3 & 5 To the Second Third and Fifth Interry's this Depont sath that about these Fowerteene yeares last past untill within these Three yeares or thereaboutes to the knowledge of this Depont there hath beene a Com[m]on high way had used and Enjoyed both by the Inhabitants of the County of Northumberland and Durham, for leading and Carryi

Witness Depositions – John Lumley – 2 Apr 1690

John Lumley of Mickley in the County of Northumberland yeom aged Thirty Six yeares or thereaboutes Sworne & Examined Deposeth as followeth. 2 & 4 To the Second and Fowerth Interr[ogator]y's this Depont saith that for about these Tenn yeares last past he has with waines & Carriages used the Com[m]on high way for Leading & carryng of wood Timber & other Goods in along & through the Lands & Grounds of Stella called the Bogg or Blackmire to the Peth head and soe D

Questions to witnesses – William Blackett – 2 Apr 1690

Cross Interrogatoryes to be adm[inister]d to Witnesses p[ro]duced and exami[n]ed on the part and behalfe of Sr Thomas Tempest Barr[onet]t Def[endan]t at th[e] Suite of theire Mat[jest]yes Attorney generall Sr William Blackett and others Comp[...] Doe you know the way in quest[i]on w[hi]ch leads from Hedley in Northumberland to Bladon and Bladon Leadhills in the County of Durham. how oth the Same way lye, Doe you know the Lands & Grounds called the Bogge al[ia]s the Blackmires in the plead

Witness Depositions – William Rennison – 2 Apr 1690

William Rennison a witness formerly Sworne on the Defts part and now Cross Examined upon Interr[ogator]yes on the Complts part, Sworne & Examined saith as followeth. This Depont saith that he is a Tennant & Farmer of a Cottage house in Stella, which he holds under the Deft Sr Thomas Tempest for which he payes the yearly Rent of Six shillings.

Witness Depositions – Thomas Lowrey – 2 Apr 1690

Thomas Lowrey a witness first Sworne & Examined on the part of the Deft, and now Sworne & Examined on the part ot the Complts Deposeth as followeth. 1 To the First Inter[ogator]y this Deont saith he knowes the Com[m]on high way leading from Hedley in Northumberland to the Lands in Stella called the Bogg or Blackmires and soe to the Peth head and Downe the Peth to th Leadhills and Bladon in the County of Durham, and saith that he knowes not nor Did he ever hear of any money or satis

Witness Depositions – George Lowrey – 2 Apr 1690

George Lowrey a witness first Sworne & Examined on the part of the Deft, and now Sworne & Examined on the part ot the Complts Deposeth as followeth. 1 To the First Inter[ogator]y this Deont saith he knowes the Complts high way leading from Hedley in Northumberland to the Lands & grounds in Stella called the Bogg or Blackmires and soe to the Peth head,and Downe the peth to th Leadhills and soe to Bladon in the County of Durham, and saith he knowes that Satisfaction was made for

Questions to witnesses – Thomas Tempest – 2 Apr 1690

Interrogatories Exhibited to be administered to the witneses to be produced sworne and and Examined on the part and behalfe of Sr Thomas Tempest Baronet Defndant at the Suite of the Attorney generrall of the <Relac[i]on os..> Blackett Baronett and other the Inhabitants of and within the County Palatine of Durham Informants. Imprimis Doe you knowe the said Informant Sr William Blackett and said defendant Sr Thomas Tempest? And how long have you soe knowne them, or either of them? and did

Questions to witnesses – Thomas Tempest – 2 Apr 1690

Counter Interrogatoryes Exhibited to be administered to the Witnesses, to be p[ro]duced Sworne & Examined on the part & behalfe of Sr William Blackett Barrt & others Informants agt Sr Thomas Tempest Barrt Defendant. 1. Did you make use of the way in question, with Carts, Waines or great carriages? to the knowledge of the Deft or of those under whome the Deft claimeth; Or of their Tenants, over the said Bladon Burne, to Bladon low Hill or to the south side of the said Bladon Burne

Witness Depositions – George Bell – 2 Apr 1690

George Bell of Franks Close in the County of Durham Aged Fifty three yeares or thereabouts Sworne Examined deposeth as followeth: 9 To the Ninth Interrogatory this Depont Saith that this Depont for about thirty yeares last past He hath used to Lead Wood through the way in question to the Lead hills and in that time hath been often Stopt by the Defendts Steward or Servants from leading through the Peth foot or Way in question untill there was paid unto the said Deft the Summe of four pence p

Witness Depositions – Robert Tempest – 2 Apr 1690

Robert Tempest of Thornley in the County of Durham Aged Sixty four yeares orthereabouts Sworne and Examined deposeth as followeth. 1:2 To the first and second Interr[ogatorie]s this Depont saith that he knows the parties in this Suite And saith he knowes the Kings high way for Horse Cart and Carriage which leads from Hedley in the Interr[ogator]y mentioned to Newcastle and hath soe known the Land for above forty yeares past, And saith that the said Highway which is and hath been the usuall

Witness Depositions – Robert Surtees – 2 Apr 1690

Robert Surtees of Ryton in the County of Durham Gentleman Aged Sixty Yeares or thereabouts Sworne and Examined deposeth as followeth: 2 To the Second Interr this Depont saith that if there be any high way for Cartt and Carriage twixt Hedley and NewCastle it must be a way from Hedley to Ryton Woodside thence to Winlaton Milne thence to Whickham & thence to newcastle for that theres noe passage for Cartt or Carriage from Blaydon to Newcaste. 15 To the fifteenth this Depont saitht tha
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467