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Witness Deposition – Thomas Eltringham – 13 Oct 1690

Thomas Eltringham of Hallyards in the County of Northumberland yeom ages fifty fower yeares or thereabouts Sworne & Examined. 12 To the twelfth Inter this depont saith that about Eight yeares since that Depts comeing with a waine or Carriage through a parcell of Ground of the Defts called called Black Byars which is above twenty score yards of from the peth or Bladon peth head intending to goe through Stella East feild to Stella Lead hill was mett by the Deft and by him stoppd who asked t

Witness Deposition – Roger Newton – 13 Oct 1690

Roger Newton of Mickley in the County of Northumberland yeom aged twenty nine yeares or thereabouts Sworne & Examed.: 10 To the tenth Intery this Depont saith that about nine or ten yeares since this depont comeing with a load or foother of wood downe the peth or peth head was stopped at the said peth foot and hindered to goe with his said Carriage over Bladon burne to the Low Leadhill by One Christopher Tayler a Servant to the Deft untill this Depont made or came to an an Agreement for

Witness Deposition – John Pratt – 13 Oct 1690

John Pratt of Stella in the County of Durham yeom ages forty two yeares or thereabouts Sworne and Examined: 7 To the seaventh Intry this Depont saith that he hath knowne the two severall Leadhills Called Stella Leadhill and Bladon Leadhill for this thirty yeares last past And that he hath heard that one Robert Chambers and Ralph Douglas did farme of Sr Richard Tempest father of the Deft both the said Hills called Stella Lead Hill and Bladon Low hill, and alsoe heard that the said Chambers an

Witness Deposition – Thomas Jackson – 13 Oct 1690

Thomas Jackson of Whickham in the County of Durham Gent[leman] aged thirty six years or therabouts Sworne & Examined:. 18 To the Eighteenth Intry this Depont saithe that he did very well know Thomas Jackson who was a witnesse to the Deed or Writing now produced to this depont att the at the time of his Examination begining with This Ind[entu]re witnesseth made the thirteenth of Novembeer in the fourteenth years of king Charles the second and Ending in the yeare One thousand six hundred S

Witness Deposition – William Best – 13 Oct 1690

William Best a witnesse Sworne & Examined on the part of Deft now Sworne and Examined on the part of the Complts Deposeth as followeth. 2 To the second Interry this Dept saith that he hath seen Waines & Carriages of the Countrey round about make use of and goe in and downe the Peth and com[m]on high way now in dispute for these thirty yeares and upwards.

Witness Deposition – Thomas Eltringham – 13 Oct 1690

Thomas Eltringham a witnesse Sworne & Examined on the part of the Deft now Sworne and Examined on the part of the Complts Deposeth as followeth. 2 & 4 To the second and Fowerth Interrys this Depont saith that for these forty yeares and upwards he this Depont hath gone with waines and Carriages loaden with Timber and other Goods & Com[m]odities from Hedley and elswhere in Northumberland in and through certain Land and Grounds of Stella called the Bogg or Blackmire to the Peth head

Letter – William Creagh to Francis Radcliffe – 6 Jul 1693

May it please your Lordshipp I make bold to give your Lordshipp the Trouble of these Lynes, Rather then be so Rude as to silence the Least of your Favours, and most particullarly your Lordhsipps Extraordinary kind Rememberance, by your Fine present of Fowle, which I have now Received, att the consumation of which, I do assure your Lordshipp, your Lordshipps health shall be dranck over, and over, And were it in my Power to make a more Suitable returne, no time should be Lost In the execution

Will – Richard Mowbray – 14 Aug 1693

In the name of God amen The fourteenth day of August in the fifth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord and Lady William & Mary by the grace of god King and Queen of England Scotland France & Ireland defenders of the faith and in the year of our Lord god 1693 I Richard Mowbray of Allanheads in the parish of Allandale and County of Northumberland Gent being sick and weak of body but of good and perfect memory (praise be given to god for the same) And knowing the uncertainty of this Life

Lease – William Blackett to William Ramsay – 16 Nov 1693

This Indenture made the Sixteenth day of November in the Fifth yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King and Queen defenders of the Faith &r Between Sr. William Blackett of the Towne and County of Newcastle upon Tyne Barrt of the one part and William Ramsay of the Said Towne and County of Newcastle upon Tyne Esqr of the other part Witnesseth that the said Sr. William Blackett For and in

Deed – William Johnson – 6 Jan 1694

This Indenture Quadripartite made the Sixth day of January in the Fifth yeare of the reigne of our Soveraigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland King and Queen defenders of the faith &r. Betweene William Johnson of Kibblesworth in the Countie of Durham Esqr. of the First part, Nicholas Ridley of the Towne and County of Newcastle upon Tine Esqr. Of the Second part, Mathew White of the Said Towne and County of Newcastle upon Tine Esqr.

Will – John Rumney – 14 Mar 1694

In the name of God amen I John Rumney of the towne and County of Newcastle upon tine merchant being in health and of perfect sound and disposing mind and memory blessed be God for the same but not knowing the number of my dayes or att what time I shall be called upon to goe the way of all the earth think fitt to make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following Impri[mi]s I com[m]itt my Soul unto the Father of Spirits who gave it hopeing for acceptance with him upon the ac

Lease – John Bacon to William Ramsay – 2 Oct 1694

This Indenture Made the second day of October in the Sixth year of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King and Queen Defender of the faith <et.> Between John Bacon of Staward in the County of Northumberland Esquire of the one parte and William Ramsay of the Towne and County of Newcastle upon Tyne Esquire of the other part Whereas Sr William Blackett of the Said Towne and County of Newcastle u

Lease – William Ramsay to Susanna Bland – 15 Oct 1694

This Indenture made the fifteen day of October in the Sixth yeare of the Raign of our Soveraign Lord and Lady William and Mary by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King and Queen defenders of the faith &c. between William Ramsay of the Town and County of Newcastle upon Tyne Esqr. Of the one part and Susanna Bland of the Said Towne and County of Newcastle upon Tyne widdow of the other part Whereas Sr. William Blackett of the Said Towne and County of Newca

Inventory – Thomas Fairlamb – 13 Apr 1695

A True and perfect Inventory Taken of all such Goods and Chatt[el]s Moveable and immoveable as Thomas Farlamb of Middle Duke[s]f[iel]d in the County of Northumberland yeoman Dyed Seised & Possessed of. Apprazed by Richard Teasdale Senr. Richard Teasdale Junr. Thomas Teasdale and Richd. Farlamb The Thirteenth day of Aprill in the yeare of o[u]r Lord God. 1695.- as followeth – Imp[rimi]s his Apperall and money in his Purse 5 0 0 It[e]m In Household Goods 18 0

Lease – William Blackett to William Ramsay – 6 May 1695

Know all men by the <these presents> That Sr William Blacke[tt] of the Towne & County [of] [N]ewcastle upon Tyne Barrt Hath hereby Letten & demise[d] unto William Ramsey of the Sa[me] Towne & County Esqr six hundred yards in length & Twenty yards on each Side thereof in bredth upon the veine of Lead ore called Stotfoldburne veine to comence & take measure from a wall called Stotfoild pasture wall & <So> to extend Eastward according to the true course of

Lease – Dean and Chapter of Durham to William Ramsay – 20 Jul 1695

This Indenture made the Twentieth day of July in the Seaventh Year of the reigne of our Soveraigne Lord William the third by the grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the faith e[tcete]r[a] Anno<qz> Dni 1695: Betweene the Rt. Wor[shi]pp[ful]l Thomas Comber D[oc]tor of Divinity Dean & the Chapter of Durham of the Cath[edr]all Church of Christ and blessed Mary the Virgin of the First part And William Ramsay of the Town and County of Newcastle upon

Deeds – John Fenwick to William Blackett – 19 Oct 1695

18th & 19th October 1695 Lease and Release of lead mines in Hexham Manor This Indenture made the 19th day of October in the 7th year of the reign of our sovereign Lord William III by the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith of and in the Year of our Lord One thousand six hundred ninety and five between Sir John Fenwick of Wallington in the County of Northumberland Baronet of the one part and Sir William Blackett of the town and County of Newcastle u

Letter – Edward Blackett to Robert Mallabar – 13 Feb 1696

Newby13 Feb: 1695 Robert Mallabar I recd. your Lettr. and you acquaint me that your fore-elders has always had a Seat in Beltingham Quire and that my Steward John Lowes hath taken away your Ancient Seat and will not Suffer you to sit there and likewise will not allow that you have any buering [burying] place there, what right or title you have to either I am wholly Ignorant of but assure yourself I will not Suffer my Steward to debar any man of his Just right either in Church or

Letter – John Fenwick to Mary Fenwick – 12 Jun 1696

Copy of a paper in Sir John Fenwicks handwriting — What I feared is at last happened; had I gone alone I had done it; but the other was betrayed from London; It is God’s will, soe we must submitt; I know nothing can save my life, but my Lord Carlisles going over to him backt by the rest of the family of the Howards; soe beg it, and offering that I will goe abroad all his time where I cannot hurt him & that I will never drawe my sword agt [against] him. I must leave it to you,

Inventory – James Giles – 2 Jan 1697

A True and pefect Inventory taken of all such good and Chatt[el]s moveable and Immoveable of James Giles of Steall Hall in the Countie of Northumb[er]land yeoman Dyed seized and posess[e]d of Apprized by Thomas Teasdale John Salmon Thomas Giles and Thomas Featherston the second day of January in the year of our Lord God 1696/7 as followeth – Imp[rimi]s his Apparall and money in his purse £2 10 0 Item In household goods 4 05 0 Item Two horeses

Letter – Thomas Featherstone to Thomas Brummell – 29 Apr 1698

Duxfd 29 Apl 1698 Sir, this comes to give you an acct that I am like to get very little lead in and if my life lay at stake I cannot help it for I have used all the ore and still I have but all to noe purpose pray see wt you can doe wth the Bearer Ger[ar]d Farbridge, /, for I have <proflead> there all that they shall have wt Moneys they please they say fother is not to be had for Money, Ger[ar]d tells me there was yesterday at the ½ way 250 ps & there is a 100 ps gone from the mi

Will & inventory – Richard Fairlamb – 11 Jun 1698

In the name of god, amen, the eleventh day of June in the year of Oor Lord God One thousand six hundred and ninety eight I Richard Farlam of Middle Duxfield in the County of Northumberland yeoman being sick in body but of good and perfect memorie thanks be to Almighty God, and calling to remembrance the uncertaine Estate of this transitory life and that all flesh must yield until death when it shall please God to call doe make Constitute Ordaine and declare this my last will and testament in m

Will & inventory – Thomas Featherstone – 11 Jun 1698

Nov int univsi per putes Nos Margaret Featherston do Duxfield hall ni com Northumbe vidna Thomass Dickenson dc Middleduxfield in eodm[abb] com yeom el Willm Walton de Civitorte Dunelm in an Com Dunelm Calhear Eeneri et firmiter obligari Rodo[abb] inxpo pri et Dno Dno[abb] Nathanaeli pp viden dia Dunelm Epoet venli[abb] viro Johanni Brookbank sequ a cori ejusdm. [abb] Rodi pris officli princli in Conlum Libris bon- etlegalis mone toe? Angliae solveud eidm. Redo. priet et officli suo ant edco eor

Lease – Edward Radcliffe to John Errington – 25 Mar 1699

This Indenture made the Five and twentieth day of March in the yeare of Our Lord God One thousand six hundred ninety and nine an[no] d[omini] Betweene the Right honble. Edward Earle of Derwentwater of the one part and John Errington of Beaufront in the County of Northumberland Esqr. of the other part witnesseth that the said Earle of Derwentwater for and in consideration of the yearly rent Covenante and agreemente hereinafter reserved and menconed hath demised bargained sold and to Farme lett an

Letter – Charles Montague to William Blackett – 11 May 1699

Copy To Sir Will. Blackett Bart Windsor 11 may 1699 Sir, You went out of Town so suddenly as prevented me from taking my leave of you. and discussing with you on some things which can not be so well explained in writing: But which I now write to you is by the King’s Order and Comand, who is so extreamly pleased with your services to Him, and so well satisfied of your Abilitys and capasity to serve your Country, as makes him very desirous to bring you Publick Busnesse. He
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467