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Letter – Charles Montague to William Blackett – 27 May 1699

Sir I have received the Honour of your Letter of the 19th instant, and have read it to the King, who I assure you was mightily concerned that you waved coming into busnesse, and was much affected and pleased with the handsomenesse of your expressions towards him and his Gooermt [Government]: He was unwilling to take your letter for a positive answer, and was very Desirous to have Me presse you to comply. but there no being time enough to have your answer till so near his going away that

Letter – William Creagh to Edward Blackett – 16 Jun 1699

Newcastle 16th June 1699 Honoured S[ir]. Upon Consideration of the Coale Trade being so bad and the long Expectation of a Setlement of Trade twixt England and France being allmost despaired of which gives so small Incurragment That the workings of winlington Coallery (which had its greatest vent by that Trade is now so diminished that it makes The Proffitt accreuing to me Little or nothing, so if it Be no Inconveniency to you, I begg the Favour that you will take your proportion of

Letter – Henry Peareth to Lionel Vane – 20 Mar 1702

Newca March 20th 1701/2 Sr Since my last I see yours <to> Mr Metcalfe, tht you intended to be downe here a weeke after Easter, & ordring to forward Charter haugh Colliery wch has been done wth all due Care Dilligence, tht the South Pitt is now 1 yard below the feeder & they have not above a single horse tubs in one hour, & it will be Framed back in tht Pitt to morrow night, & att the North Pitt they are now att the top of the Feeder, & they cannot well

Letter – George Iley to Lionel Vane – 29 May 1702

Sr Newca. May 29th : 1702 Rob: Gill and I Waited on Sr. William Blackett who Saies he shall not be from home till Wednesday come a Sennet the 10th of June wch day he take journey for the Mines and Rob: Gill has an order for the Meteing to be on tuesday the 9 of June Mr Metcalfe has Inclosed in youres. Mr hunnewood bonds and he has writ to his Brothr Richard to pay the 45 pound att london. I have paide for the Stable I touke for ms hunnewood maire – 11:0<s/d> i

Letter – Joseph Barnes to Edward Blackett – 29 Oct 1703

Honrble Sir I am ashamed that I have not yet given you an acct has I found matters att your Courts. I came not home till last Friday att night: & having been long absent I have been so entangled and engaged unavoidably in business that I would not write to you sooner. I find there are severall customary Tenemts wthin your manrs but there are noe Rolls or Books (that I cann hear of) relating to them which I take to be a great fault, such as may occasion the alteration of the tenure to

Will – William Blackett – 5 May 1704

I Sir William Blackett of the Towne and County of Newcastle upon Tine Baronett being of a perfect and disposing memory doe make this my last Will and Testament in mannor and form following (that is to say) first I committ my Soul to the mercy of Almighty God hoping for pardon and eternall Life by the sole meritts and mediation of Jesus Christ and my Body to the Earth to be decently interred Requiring my Executors hereafter mentioned to give mourning to my Relations and neare kindred and to make

Letters – John Ord – 1 Jan 1706

Sr Wm Blackett Barrt being possessed of severall Leadmines & leadgroves & alsoe sending great quantityes of Lead & Lead oar att the said Leadmines att the time of his death devises all his p.sonall estate & Leases for lifes or yeares of the sd Leadmines to Wm Davison Esq & Jno Wilkinson mrcht in trust for payment of his debts & childrens porc.ons & raising of £1000 to purchase Lands for charitable uses & paymt of severall Legacyes devised by the will & when t

Account – John Ord to John Wilkinson – 20 Jun 1706

The & trustees of the estate of Sr Wm Blackett decd, are to John Ord Drs 30 Jan 1705 Lent them £600- 0- 0 7 Feb 1705 Lent them more £400- 0- 0 8 Feb 1705 Lent them more £200- 0- 0 20 June 1706 Lent them more £1950- 0- 0 Intrest of £600 to the 20 June 1706 13-18- 1 1/2 Intrest of £400 to the 20 June 1706 8-14-11 Intrest

Letters – John Wilkinson to John Ord – 20 Jun 1706

I John Wilkinson of Newcastle upon Tyne Merchant one of the Executors of Sr William Blackett late of Newcastle aforesd Barron.t dec.d doe hereby acknowledge att severall times since the death of the sd Sir Wm Blackett to have borrowed and received of John Ord of Newcastle aforesd Gentleman severall great sumes of money And that upon an account had touching the same and after allowance to me made of all moneys by me repaid since the sd Sir Wm Blacketts death to the sd John Ord there rests due and

Letters – Robert Lilburn to John Wilkinson – 11 Aug 1706

Cos: Wilkinson Yours of the 10th inst I have considered, and as [I am} sure you intended no insecurity to them in this affair by your Demands but hitherto have chiefly regarded that safety in prompt payment: as my forbearance to make a demand till now, does sufficiently testifie my good intentions; yet being immediately accountable for the same that must excuse me if I oppose your short answer wth such reasons as are conceived undeniable in this case. Mr Brummell upon oath Deposeth that t

Letters – John Carr to John Wilkinson – 26 Sep 1706

Hexham 7ber the 26th 1706 Mr Wilkinson Sr, This day Fraunces Storey wid: & relict of Thomas Storey Ddec distrained All the goods belonging to the Ten[an]t of Sweetup & Hawicke (pte of Wallington estate) upon an old Rent Charge issuing out of the p.mises, I acquainted Mr Ben: Carr who was formerly concerned for the Lasy Mary Fenwicke in the defence of that matter there with; who advised me to take out replevins & loose the goods , which accordingly I have done & sen

Letters – John Ord to Mr Ruthell – 28 Sep 1706

Sr, I have just now recd from Sr William Blackett’s steward to Mr Wilkinson the acting Exe[cuto]r & who manages the affairs of that Family that one Story had made a distress upon Sweetupp and Hawick (pt of Wallington Estate) upon a rent charge from Sr Jno Fenwick or his father, you know how farr you are concerned to defend Sr Wm Blacketts Estate ag[ains]t the Incumbrances of Sr John Fenwick and his ancestors there was formerly a Tryall in this affair in which Story had the better but it

Will and inventory – Ralph Vazie – 2 Jun 1707

In the name of God Amen I Ralph Vazie of Lowbyar in the parish of Alston & County of Cumberland being sick in body but of good & perfect memory so make & Ordaine this my last Will & Testament in manner & forme following. First & principally I commend my Soul into the Hands of God my Creator hoping assuredly through Christ Jesus my Redeemer to obtain full & free Remission of all my sins, and my Body to the earth of which it was made to be buryed att the discretion of

Letters – William Forster to John Ord – 2 Sep 1707

Wheras an agreement was made virbaly &c about Christmas last past by Mr Samuel Turner on the behalf of Chas Montague, and Wm Forster on the behalf of Mr John Wilkinson one of the Trustees for the Collierys of Sr Wm Blackett Bart deceased and self to allow and pay into the Coale buyers wch are Lightermen 3d pr London Cha[ldron] under the Consideration of giving their true & best assistance they could for enlargeing the vend of the above gentlemens Coales, Notwithstanding wch, contra

Lease – John Wilkinson to William Ramsay – 6 Feb 1708

This Indenture made the Sixth day of February in the Sixth yeare of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady Anne by the grace of God of Great Brittaine France & Ireland Queen Defender of the Faith ec. Between William Davison of Beamish in the County Pallatine of Durham Esqr.& John Wilkinson of the Towne & County of Newcastle upon Tyne Merchant of the one parte And William Ramsay of the sd. Towne & County of Newcastle upon Tyne Esqr. of the other parte Wittnesseth That the sd. William Da

Letters – Albert Silvertop to John Ord – 12 May 1708

Mr Ord, Seing the view is put of and that no Quietness can be had about the houses (which you may se by what I here Inclose) I can very well <p.ceive> to be my Lds: So that Jno Robinson and the disturb<uble> people in the house shall not think to hector us out of whats due to my Ld therefore if it must be a tryall I am resolvd to slip notice on behalf of my Ld: So will immediately Eject them unles Mr Wilkinson and you can come up on Friday. I desire youl let me have a note of the C

Will and inventory – Nicholas Armstrong – 12 May 1708

In the name of God Amen; I Nicholas Armstrong of Williamstone in the parish of Knarsdale & County of Northumberland yeoman, being sick in body but of good & perfect remembrance praised be God for the same. and calling to mind the uncertainty of this life and being desirous to settle my earthly concerns do make & ordaine this my last will & Testament in maner & forme following; first & principally I commit my soul into the hands of God my Creat[o]r hoping assuredly throug

Will and inventory – John Walton – 12 May 1708

In the Name of God Amen I John Walton of Annat Walls in the parish of Aldston & Diocese of Durham and County of Cumberland yeoman being weak of Body but of perfect mind and memory considering the fading & transitory Estate of Mortall men doe make this my last Will & Testament in manner & form following That is to say Impr[im]is I recommend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God hoping through the Meritts of my blessed Saviour to receive free Remission of all my Sins and my Body t

Account – Charles Montague to John Wilkinson – 5 Oct 1708

The Hon.ble Cha. Montagu Esq To the Exers of Sr Wm Blackett Barrot Deceased Dr 1704 9ber 11 To one yrs rent due them for 1/12th pt of Stella Coll.y according to lease £ 250 To 1 1/2yrs Rent from Mart. 1704 to May day 1706 @ £166 13s4d p annum Is in proportion to other rents of sd Col £ 250 1706 9ber 11 To 1/2 yrs rent from May day 1706 to Mart. 1706 according To the abatement of 1/5 pt ma

Letter – John Blackett to John Wilkinson – 12 Nov 1708

Rotterdam 12 Novembr 1708 Cousin Wilkinson Sr, I Recd yrs of the 22th Octobr by wch I perceive my Cousin is yet ill wch am mighty sorry to hear, this day the Lords of the Admiralty has given order that the Fleet shall sail next Thursday wind & weather permitting. The London fleet sails at the same time. They have 3 men of war with them as far as Orford Ness, & then one of the ships sees the London ships safe in the harbour & the other two sails Northwards. They say the

Letter – John Blackett to Cuthbert Burton – 16 Nov 1708

Mr Cutht Burton Rotterdm 16 Novmbr 1708 Sr my last to you was of the 13 past Since none from you, So this is chiefly to Send you bill of loading & Invoice of the above mentioned goods I hope they will prove to Content, if the Wind had continued Easterly the Ships had Sailed this Day but you may Expect they will Saile wth the first wind, flax keeps yet dear & will continue So as long as the fleet is here, flax is al

Letter – John Blackett to John Kelly – 20 Nov 1708

Mr J Kelley Rotterdm 20 Novmbr 1708 Sr this day I am favoured wth yrs of the 1 9ber your Stile, by wch I perceive you found the Acct of Bulmans Coales without Error & noted accordingly. I will do my endeavoir to Send you per this Convoy wch only waites for a fair wind, the Candle week you write for, but for the Shaving pleet will be impossible to get unless one was certain the fleet would Stay 5 or 6 days longer pl

Letter – John Blackett to A Shaftoe – 20 Nov 1708

Mr A Shaftoe Rotterdm Novmbr 20th 1708 Sr This is only to acquaint you that Coales is at present a Drug here are Severall Masters that lays Loaden & cannot get any money bidden for them when they begin to Sell I believe will bring the price down to 17 or 171/2 gl a <hoodt>, I hope you have take no Ships on for this place trade is very bad, I cannot advice my friends to Send any Sort of Merchandise all things

Letter – John Blackett to John Wilkinson – 23 Nov 1708

Cousin Wilkinson Rotterdm the 23 Novmbr 1708 Sr Since my last none from you, I mighty glad to read in our written News from London that the lady Mary Fenwick was dead & that Sr Wm Blackett got £2000 per Annum by her death, I hope I Shall have this good News confirmed the next post by Some of my friends, it has been often reported She was dead, but now I wish it may be true I do here inclosed Send you for your Acct 3 bills

Letter – John Blackett to Cuthbert Burton – 23 Nov 1708

Mr Cutht Burton Rotterdm 23 Novmbr 1708 Sr this is onely to acquaint you that I have drawn on you this day a bill of £58 at 2 usance payable to Mr John Wilkinson or order the Exchange at 35 <B/3> wch is f613:7 for wch I make you Credit the Ships for Hull Newcastle Sailed last Saturday, but Abraham Bosfield is left behind, he says there was So little wind & the Tide So Strong that he could not get out, the Ships
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467