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Letter – John Blackett to Nathaniel Clayton – 23 Nov 1708

Mr N Clayton Rotterdm 23 Novmbr 1708 Sr this is onely to acquaint you that I have this day drawn on you at 2 usance a bill of Exchange of £48 payable to Mr John Wilkinson or Order, the Ships for hull & Newcastle Sailed last Saturday wth one Man of War but Abraham Bosfield is left behind, I think he is as well here, they had contrary Winds ever Since they Sailed a bad weather the London fleet Sails wth 2 Men of War by t

Letter – John Blackett to John Wilkinson – 30 Nov 1708

Cousin Wilkinson Rotterdm 30 Novmbr 1708 Sr I Recd yours of the 8 past by wch I perceive you think Mr Allan was very much to blame to Speake to the broaker, can assure you it was true though I would not have you to take any notice of it, Robt Young is this day Safe arrived, I hear he has 1200 ps lead all for Mr Allan, I hope you will Some time think of me when oppertunity offers, the Greatest demand for lead is always in febry

Letter – John Blackett to Matthew Featherstone – 30 Nov 1708

Mr Featerstone & Reay Rotterdm 30 Novmbr 1708 yrs of the 9th past came Safe to hand, I have bought part of the flax & Twine & will Ship them aboard Robt bulman, I have been at all the Shops in towne & cannot find one Matt Rainsbr Tow, it is all bought up, Abram Bosfield is partly loaden wth it, wth much adoe I have found 2 Matts Bossell wch will Ship as above, & likewise the paper, it is a Strong good Ship carrys 8 Guns

Letter – John Blackett to Matthew Featherstone – 7 Dec 1708

Mr Featherstone & Reay Rotterdm 7 Decembr 1708 My last to you was of the 30th past, Since has not been favoured wth yours, here inclosed I Send you Invoice & bill of loading of 6 Matts flax 20 Matts Rynsbs Tow 2 Matts Twine 3 Matts Bostle Tow & 3 Matt Paper, On board Robt Bulman; I hope you will find them all to Content, [struck out: ‘I believe you will’] wth much difficulty I found 20 Matts Rynsbr Tow at 121/2gl but Bo

Letter – John Blackett to Burdett Clayton – 7 Dec 1708

Mr B Clayton Rotterdm 7 Decembr 1708 Sr I Recd yours of the 9 October by wch I perceive you would not have me to Send any Sneet Lint, am Sorry Busfield was gone to the briel or otherwise would have taken it ashore here inclosed I Sent you Invoice & bill of loading of 10 Matts Rynsbr Tow & 20 Nests of Crusables on board R Bulman, Rynsbr Tow is very Scarce Could not find one Matt more in the Whole Towne, th

Letter – John Blackett to John Kelly – 7 Dec 1708

Mr J Kelley Rotterdm the 7 Decembr 1708 Sr [struck out: ‘In my Last I writ you the price of Rape’] I Refer my Self wholely to my Last, no Alteration is yet in the price of Rape Sold, here inclosed I Send you bill of loading & Invoice of 2 Matts Candle Weeke & 1 bagg Shaving <Pleet> a board Robt Bulman I am Dr Sr Exchange 35:11/2 or 35:2 at 2 usance

Letter – John Blackett to John Wilkinson – 11 Dec 1708

Cousin Wilkinson 11 Ditto Sr Since my last none from you, here inclosed I Send you the Acct of <350 qts> lead per Jacob frost, for wch I make you Credit for the ballance f2438:18 in 2 or 3 posts will Remit you the money my Service to all friends Exchange 2 us[uance] <35 R:2 rs> Coales 18 a 181/2gl

Letter – John Blackett to Edward Blackett – 11 Dec 1708

Sr Edw Blacket Ditto Mr Field has Sent me per your orders 2 Ankers Ale for wch I give you maney thanks, lead 211/4 <B> in March & April the Greatest demand is for that Commodity, here are a Sort of handkerchiefs wch we call Naples handkerchiefs if you please to have a dozin will Send them per first oppertunity

Letter – John Blackett to Nicholas Ridley – 18 Dec 1708

Messrs Ridley Ditto the 18 1708 Since my last none from you, I make to trouble you wth a line to acquaint you how goods rules wth us, if I am capable of doing you any Service please to Command Iron Potts & yetlings f6 1/4gl Buttery f61gl Twine 2 & 3 <tdc f19gl> Canvas 23 3/4gl <d.> Bolt Taback best 8:9 or 10 Stl Common 5 1/2 or 6 1/2 Stl Worst 4 or 4 1/2 Madder on

Letter – John Blackett to John Wilkinson – 28 Dec 1708

Cousin Wilkinson Rotterdam the 28th Decembr 1708 Sr I have before me yours of the 23 9br & 3 Decembr by wch I perceive you had got my last three bills accepted, I See had rather have bills payable in London than in Your place, if I had know it before would not have Sent you the above mentioned bills, but indeed what I did was for the best, bills on Newcastle are always <2%> lower than on London, & when you buy bills the

Letter – John Blackett to John Kelly – 28 Dec 1708

Mr John Kelley Rotterdm 28 Decembr 1708 Dear Sr I have before me yours of the 7 Decembr am glad to hear that Bulman & Bosfield are arrived, we are afraid here that Dodman is foundered at Sea he Sailed from hence Some days before the other two Ships, God be Thanked I Shipt no Goods in him, I give you maney thanks for your letter to Mr Whitton, this post I designe to write him the prises of all Wollen goods, though I

Letter – John Blackett to Henry Reay – 28 Dec 1708

Mr Reay Rotterdm 28 Decembr 1708 Dear Sr I have before me yours of the 3 Decemr am glad to hear that Robt Bulman is arrived, we are here afraid that Dodman is foundered at Sea, he Sailed Some days before Bulman God be thanked I Shipt no goods in him, Last Week I went to Amsterdm & tooke Mrs Reays Napkin with me thinking to find the Same Sort, but could not find any thing like it, will take the Size & r

Letter – John Blackett to Henry Witton – 28 Dec 1708

Mr Henry Witton Rotterdm 28 Decembr 1708 Sr my very good friend Mr Kelley writ me the last post that he would be concerned wth you in a parcel of mixt & white Kerseys if you would grant me the Commission here, wch you freely concentd too, for wch I give you maney thanks, when ever you are pleased to favour me wth a Commission, Shall find that none will Serve you better or honester than I will doe, here under the prices th

Letter – John Blackett to Edward Blackett – 28 Dec 1708

Rotterdm the Sr Edw Blackett I Recd a letter from Mr Jones dated the 30 Novembr last by wch I perceive [struck out: ‘Capt Burton is advanced to a’] you will have one dozin of Naples handkerchiefs will be sure to Send them by Capt Burton or Some other carefull hand, Lead is 21 ¼ <B> & I believe will rise, if you please to let Mr Mewburne Send me what lead you have now made by

Letter – John Blackett to Christopher Blackett – 28 Dec 1708

Dear Brother C Ditto I Recd both your letters of the 30 Novembr & 7 Decembr am glad to hear that you & my friends upon Ludgate hill are well, in your first you write for 5 or 6 Shirts, if you write me what price, will Endeavoir to send them by Some carefull Man Pray deliver the Inclosed I am

Letter – John Blackett to Robert Shafto – 1 Jan 1709

Mr Robt Shafto Ditto Sr I Recd your kind letter of the 19 Novembr by wch I perceive you had treated With Severall Masters about coming to this place wth coals indeed I was very glad to hear that none would Serve you at 12 and 13gl if you had Sent any you had certainly been a Looser, Coales was yesterday 181/2 or 18gl but having the news that Gent & Bridges are in our hands it is thought they will advance in pri

Letter – John Blackett to John Kelly – 1 Jan 1709

Mr John Kelly Ditto Sr my last to you was the 28 past Since have not been favoured wth yours yesterday we Recd the good news that Gent was Capitulating, & the Antwerp News paper of this day Says that Gent [Ghent] was over & the French had left Bridges [Bruges] wch had given Such a liveliness to corne, but particularly to Rape seed that it is advanced to 42 or 44£ if you can buy any wch is good at 17£ I will willingly

Letter – John Blackett to John Wilkinson – 4 Jan 1709

Cousin Wilkinson Rotterdm the 4th January 1708 Sr the taking of Gent & Bridges has given Such a liveliness in the price of lead that Severall parcells has been Sold at 21 1/2 <p> & 100pcs at 21 3/4 I hope when you Send any, you will Remember me, when ever you are pleased to Send any lead & has no mind to be concerned wth the coals wch are generally in a Ship that comes wth lead, Pray let me know I will have that for

Letter – John Blackett to Matthew Featherstone – 4 Jan 1709

Mr Featherstone & Reay Ditto S[ince] my last none from you, this is onely to acquaint you that since Gent & Bridges has been in our hands lead is much advanced, Severall parcells has been Sold at 21 1/2 <st> & 100pcs at 21 3/4 <st/B> it is the opinion of most that Coales will likewise advance in price, thought at present no more than f19, Jno Kitchinman took no Goods Inn from hence for your place, wch I was very Glad

Letter – John Blackett to Robert Fenwick – 4 Jan 1709

Mr Fenwick Ditto Sr I Rced your kind letter & give you maney thanks for your kind wishes, I do not question but you have heard of Gent & Bridges being in Our hands wch has given Such a liveleness in the price of lead that Severall parcells has been Sold at 21 1/2 & 100 pcs at 21 3/4 <B> it is thought that lead [sic: coal?] will likewise advance though the price is now but f19, last Week I went to Waite upon Mrs Fromantle

Letter – John Blackett to Edward Blackett – 4 Jan 1709

Sr Edw Blackett Ditto Thought I writ you last post yet the price of lead is Since advanced that I do here trouble you wth another letter Since Gent & Bridges are in our hands Severall parcells has been Sold at 21 1/2 a 21 3/4 <B?> I would have you by all means to Send all the lead that is made per first convoy, if you will not have it for your own acct will take it for mine, & Remit as I writ you by my last letter

Letter – John Blackett to Cuthbert Burton – 4 Jan 1709

Mr C Burton Rotterdm 4 Jann 1709 Sr This is to acquaint you that Severall Ships are here now for your place if you please to have any goods let me know by the first post; I am

Letter – John Blackett to John Kelly – 1 Feb 1709

Mr John Kelley Rotterdm the 1 Feby 1709 Sr yesterday I Recd yours of the 31 Decembr as likewise one from Mr Witton he writes me that a parcell of mixt Kerseys was gone for Hull and so for <Tergow> he Says the charges will be Less, but I believe he will find that will but differ very little, this post I designe to answer his letter, I will write you the Exact price here under, you may be very well assured I will do my

Letter – John Blackett to Burdit Clayton – 1 Feb 1709

Mr B Clayton Ditto I have this day drawn on you a bill of 13£ 15Shillings payall to Mr John Kelley a 35 <st?> 2 grot I make you debit for 1gl & 8Sll for letters and make you Credit for the bill f145-0.8

Letter – John Blackett to Matthew Featherstone – 1 Feb 1709

Messrs Featherstone & Reay Rotterdm the 1 Feby 1709 Yesterday I Recd of the 7 Janny we have had a very great frost for these 3 months that not one Ship has been able to get ancher In the Maese or Hellevoet Sluys, we had 7 mails at once from England, am mighty glad the flax proved as good as that wch my neighbours Sent, & will Endeavour to Send Some wch is not <fals> packt, here is a Ship wch belongs to your place, if he
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467