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Thursday 22nd August 1833 Tyne Banks The rains of the last two days having raised the Tyne so as to cover the Wear which we were in hand with, all the men were employed in sloping the banks in the manner I formerly described. I passed great part of this day among the workmen, and was glad to find, that of the three wears which are finished, they are likely to effect the purpose intended by them - as yet, the water has done them no injury, and in the intervals between them, where the cement used to be strong, & to press heavily upon the Dilston side, they have caused it to take a direction more into the middle of the channel of the river, creating dead water pools behind them, in which I trust a deposit of Land etc will take place, by which the banks will be strengthened & the land restored, & thus the river made to repair in some degree the mischief which itself had created. It may appear that much of my time and attention have of Kate been given to these works: but considering the expense which the encroachments of this river have already occasioned, & the value of the property to be secured, I trust it will not be considered superfluous, that I should both give particular attention to the execution of the works, & the efforts produced by them, so as to be able hereafter to decide as to the cheapest & most effectual mode of obtaining the desired object. The Weather continues boisterous and showery & unfavourable for the harvest.