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Thursday 3rd July 1834 Received from the Railway Co. £63.6.6 being the amount of compensation for damage done to the Lands in Dilston due abt Mart[inma]s last. Received also the Moormasters Accounts & a Statement from the Clerk of the Deliveries of the Ore weighed over in the Quarter ending on the 31st Ultimo amounting to 294 Bings & 2 Cwts. The Duty received being 473 Bings & 18 Cwts which I am glad to say exceeds the quantity received in the corresponding Quarter of last year. The Tenant of Wark Manor Farm waited upon me with a valuation of the Lands in the Parish, liable to the making of certain Roads set forth in the Award of the Division of a Common a long time ago, but which have never been done till now, that to avoid an Indictment the Proprietors have consented to pay a rate for the purpose & a good part of the Road has been made. His Farm, rented at £60, is valued at £50 & the rate of 7/- comes to £17.10. I felt reluctant to pay this, but the rate & valuation having been agreed to by the majority of Proprietors & the money actually expended upon the Roads, I did not see that we could throw the payment of it upon the Duke who has not yet taken possession of the Property & therefore settled it with Thomson who paid up his arrear of Rent. I received from the Lessees of Langley Mills their Cheque for £2278.12.4 being the amount due for a Quarters Duty Ore, which I forwarded to the Bankers, desiring them to make a payment of £5000 to the Credit of the Commissioners on the 12th Instant.