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Saturday 31st May Made up my accounts and settled some matters, respecting repairs at the Inn & farm places with the Moor Master. Walked up the Nent to examine a Bridge which is without parapet Walls & in other respects in bad repair, as well as the Path along the River side at both ends of it. On which account it becomes dangerous, especially to the Miners who pass it generally in the dark. It is not exactly upon the Hospitals Property, though connected with it. The persons chiefly interested in its repair, conceive that if the Commissioners would contribute £5 on the part of the Hospital [marginal pencil note: ‘we should give this £5’], they might obtain by subscription & contributions in labor, as much as would complete the work, in all, probably about £15 or £16 which I promised to recommend. I then returned by Coach to Dilston, & after depositing my papers etc in the Office & attending to other matters, proceeded to Corbridge at night. I had sent Mr Hunt over to see the Agent of the Stanhope Railways Lime Works, whose Lime is much more convenient for Newlands & Whittonstall than any other, to try to bargain for the supply of the Tenants there at a reduced price, by engaging for a quantity & guaranteeing the payment, but as yet, their demand seems to be so great that they will not submit to any reduction of price.