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Aprill the 23rd Anno Domini 1666 Articles of agreement made concluded and agreed upon between Thomas Bacckus of Dilston in the p[ar]ish of Dilston the county of Northumberland gentle[man] on the one p[ar]ty and Richard Vazye of wanwood in the p[ar]ish of Alston and county of Cumberland yeoman on the other p[ar]ty witnesseth as followeth Imprimis it is covenanted concluded & agreed upon between the p[ar]tyes that the sd Thomas Bacckus being impowered by Sr Francis Radcliffe Baronet and in his behalf for diveres good causes & considerations them hereunto moveing & hath demysed granted & do Farme Letten & by these p[re]sents doth fully & absolutely demyse grante and do Farme Lett unto him the above named Richard Vayze his heirs & exe[cu]tors admin[ist]rators and assignes these p[ar]ticulares hereafter mentioned & expressed that is to say a house comonly knowne by the name of the hall at Low byar together with another house adjoyneing to it called the Checker both the roomes in the sd houses above & under but only one little Chamber wch the said Tho: Bacckus shall have in his possession upon the Hall loft for a bed chamber when he remaineth in the Country together wth a p[ar]cell of ground called <law crooke> & another p[ar]cell of ground called the middle feild & halfe of the fold and garden adjoyneinge to the gate of the same fold and halfe of a pasture called <Markeclose> all wth p[ar]cells of grounde belongeing to Lawbyer aforesd together with all wayes and easementes to the farme houses & grounde belonging to the same to have & to hold and peaceably to injoy from and after the third Day of May next coming unto the full end tearme & expiration of nine years then next following fully to be completed finished & ended. 2ndly It is agreed between the sd p[ar]tyes that in Consideration of which demyse soe to be that the sd Richard Vayze or his assignes shall pay yearely & every yeare dureing the time above prescribed the sume of fourteine poundes & five shillings by equall proportiones that is to say £7 - 2 - 6d at every Martinmas Day or w[ith]in 14 dayes after & £7 - 2 - 6d at every whitsuntide then next followinge Dureing the time that he stayes upon the p[re]mises 3rdly It is agreed between the sd p[ar]tyes that it shall & may be lawfull for the sd Richard Vayze or his assignes to leave the p[re]misses and Desist therefrom at every three yeares Dureing the Nine yeares giveing warneing to the above named Sr Francis Radcliffe at or before the first Day of January before his Departure 4thly It is concluded between the sd p[ar]tyes that the sd Sr Francis Radcliffe shall cause the sd houses to be repaired forthwith at his owne charges as to put the Chimleyes up & the windows <well glassed> & Tenon[t]able 5thly It is covenanted between the sd p[ar]tyes that the sd Sr Francis Radcliffe shall pay all Assesses taxeings & impositiones upon the sd houses or ground imposed except onely the Assessment for allaying & suppressinge of theifte and Church dues but not church repaires but all other Assesses and taxeings shall be payed by the farmer as they fall due & be reckoned backe againe at every halfe yeares Rent that shall be payed In witnesse whereof the above named Richard Vazye have hereunto Sett my hand & seale the day & yeare first above written/ Richard Vazie [signed and sealed] Signed sealed and delivered in the presences of us witnesses John Coultyeard [signed] / John Wallasse [made mark] / Henry Wallasse [signed] Memorand that at the ensealeing hereof it is agreed between the p[ar]tyes that Mr Thos Bacckus shall have grasse for his horse in Markeclosse during his time at his abode in Alston moore at any times