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Newcastle 14 July 1798 Dear Sir Mr Preston accepts your offer of 500 of WBLead half Refined and half Common at £14.10 - pay in 6Ms. and I am much surprized that I have not had an Ansr. from Mr Locke to day, but I make no doubt of hearing from him to Morrow - the delay I hope will not be inconvenient or disagreable to You - If my Friends should wish to take an extra qty of Slag, perhaps you will have no objection to letting them have 1 or 200p[iece]s? Mr Walton has sold Mr Fishwick 6 or 700 of Refined at £14.10. - 6/ms. I have inclosed five Bills at a month in payment of the Balance due, being £2637.13.1- and am with best Respects to Mrs. Collingwood Dear Sir Yr much obliged and obed Sert. Chrisr Blackett JE Blackett Esq.
includes letter from Geo Burnett on reverse dated 15 July