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T. R. Beaumont Esq MP N[ew]Castle 20 Dec 1806 Portman Square London Dear Sir I have this day drawn on Sir R. C. Glyn & Co for £2,600 for this Months Subsistence Money. Mr James got an order this morning for 600P[iece]s Refined Lead – I told him the price would be £38—10-0 at 6 Mo[nths] upon which he desired me to state to you that he thought it an extreme hardship to pay 10s/- more than he had ever before been charged for Refined Lead alone,--- that he had always taken a regular supply from you for their Works and wished to continue to do so provided they were allowed to Manufacture White Lead on equal terms with other houses. You’ll please to say what answer is to be given to him. I am with due respect to Mrs Beaumont Yrs Sir etc CB