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Contract between Sir James Standsfield and Measter Cornelis Thomasse and Adriaen Oudenaerde, Merchants at Rotterdam, and Measter Jean Blondet Merchant at Middelburgh in Zealand, for lead ore and lead bar. October 21, 1681 ABSTRACT : 1. Sir James has sold to all the above all the lead ore called Potters Ore which Sir James has in his Magazins in Leith, and also all the lead ore that is, or will be, raised out of the Lead Hill called Wanlockhead during the time of the present contract, not exceeeding a set quantity [see article 6]. 2. Sir James guarantees well-dressed Potters Ore without any ‘sive ore’ or 'Smethen’ and will deliver it aboard the ships at Leith that the company [ie the purchasers] shall appoint, free of all excise duty, transport to be paid by the company, who will bear the risk once the ore is aboard ship. 3. Sir James to give the company six weeks notice, in writing, of a delivery. The company will pay for each delivery, according to the rates in article 8. 4. If the ore is to be shipped in Barrells, the company reserves the right to furnish the barrels themselves, in which case Sir James will have them packed and will rebate 3% of the price. Otherwise Sir James will supply the barrels and the company will pay the full price. 5. If Sir James defaults on delivery to Leith, after giving notice of a delivery, he must pay ‘demurage’. 6. The company is obliged to take the contracted 700 tons of ore for the term of the contract (3 years): 200 tons in 1682, 250 tons in 1683, 250 tons in 1684. 7. Sir James agrees not to sell any of the said ore to any other person during the term of the contract ‘except it be some that goes certainly to the Streats ‘. 8. The company will pay to James Standsfield or his Order upon missve letters, bills of exchange on Other Orders, in writing under his hands in Rotterdam within 10 days after sight of his order on bills they being dated upon or after the deats of the respective bills of Loading on or after the Expiring of the Six week advertisement the sum of 4 guilders of lawful holland money ‘for each 100 pound weight of ore containing 5 <troue> stone schots [ie Scots] to the hundredweight and 20 Pound trose to the <troue> stone, according as <Hopton> delivers the same’. 9. If transportation of the ore is prohibited, ‘or if Weare [ie war] aryse betwixt Schotland and England, and the Unitted Provinces, or any Civil Wars in the Cuntrye’ the contract to be suspended. 10. The contract shall run from 15 October 1681 to 15 October 1684. 11. Signed in Rotterdam 21 October by Ja Standsfield Cornelis Thomasse Adriaen Oudenaerden, before witnesses Mr John Jack, merchant in Rotterdam and Captain Henry Frasser in Leith, Frans Huygen [Cocxburger] in Rotterdam. [All sign]
RH15/102/6/2/101, RH15/102/6/2/108 This is an abstract of the very long legal document, using the paragraph numbering in the original.