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May 4 Dear Nedde I rec[eive]d yours of the 29 & I do assure you that if I possibly could have recd money you should have had it long before this We have had so much raine in the North which has hinderd the Carriage of my Lead to newcastle there has not been one peice brought down as yet by reason the ways is so Extreemly bad for Carriages assoon as I have sold my Lead will send you a bill for what I can possibly spare tis Impossible to borrow any money here for them that has money sends it to London & putts it into the Lottery or Funds which they make much more of then Common Intrest Mr Aislaby has promisd to give you a much better station in a short time [W]ith my blessing to you I am Your most Affect[ionate] fath[er] For Cap[tain] Blacket Com[mander] of her Maj[esties] Ship the Phanix In Portsmouth harbour via Lo<ndon>