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Dear Maria Decbr 28 1709 Since I enclosed you Mrs Bewick’s Letr I Recd yrs of the 9th Let me know by the very first post the Gentlewomans name where you agree to lodge, and the Street that her house is in that I may make inquiry into the Gentlewomans Character You write me that Sir Jno. Delavall has eight holes in his Arm and that the Surgeons are afraid of a Gangrene, it cannot possibly be true by Reason I have a Letr Every week from Seaton, and sometime from himself, and he takes no Manner of Notice of it I did always believe it would be a match betwixt Mr Rogers and Miss Delavall, and it will do mighty well for them both, make certain inquiry about Sir Jno Delavall as also where my two nephew Midfords are and Acqt me by the next post. With my Blessing to you I am yr most Affect Father Mrs Henrietta Maria Blackett / Newcastle