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To The hon[oura]ble & Rt Revd The Lord B[isho]p Wallington 4th Decemr 1767 of Durham at London My Lord My delay in answering of your last Letter hath been occasioned by my desire to know perfectly how far I am obliged by the late Sr Wm Blacketts Will or in equity to the persons in remainder under that Will or by an Agreem[en]t with Sr Thos Wentworth to renew the lives which I might survive in the leases I hold under your Lordship and finding I am under no Obligation of that kind but at liberty to judge upon that Matter as I may think proper, I beg leave to say that I cannot think it prudent to comply with your Lordships demand of £1500 or to give more than £700 – the sum mentioned in my last to your Lordship for allowing me to put in a new life instead of the late Mrs Marshalls. I have the honour to subscribe myself Your Lordships etc Wr B