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To Mr C Hunter Stuard at Allenheads Newcastle 7th September 1762 Sir/ I am sorry for Mr Harrison’s death. It is a great loss. But as Coalcleugh Grove must not be neglected, nor the men laid idle, Sir Walter desires you will take charge of all matters their till he orders otherwise. And as the day of lending money to the men is drawing near, you are desired to acquaint Mrs Harrison that her husband had £200 of Sr. Wr. the 10th of the last month wch was to have serv’d him till ab[ou]t Martinmas this yr. she sh[oul]d advance money to the men on the next lending day & at Mich[aelma]s all acc[oun]ts can be closed & settled very regularly; that being the time that all the bargains will be out,& till then the men cannot be reckoned with, I am etc HR