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To Mr John Bell Hexham Newca[stle] 12th June 1768 Sir There is an Advertisement in our Yesterdays paper that Ld Crews Trustees intend to perambulate their Boundary of Blanchland on Tuesday the 21st instant. As there is a Dispute between them & Sr Wr Blackett where they join the Manor of Hexham I desire you will procure some proper persons who are well acquainted with that part of Sr Wrs boundary to meet you that morning & where you find that they interfere in their perambulation with Sr Wrs boundary that you discharge them in Hexham. Some of the people that were at Sr Wrs riding the boundary of Hexham Manor will be very proper persons to take with you & if Mr Heron could go & discharge them as Bailiff of the Manor I believe it would be agreeable to Sir Walter. The Arbitrators for the Exchange between Sir Walter & Mr Errington are to meet again to have a new Survey & a revaluation of the ground & for their Satisfaction the plan of Ryal & the Articles of the two farms there will be sent you to be shewn them along with Mr Harbottle’s Lease I am etc HR