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Mr John Bell at Mr Elliss in Hexham Newcastle 24th June 1768 Sir I desire to know, before I write to Mr Douglas, whether it will suit you to go to Berwick on Monday the 11th of next month – if so, you can go to Wallington on Sunday the 10th & take Mr Forster & Mr Brown along with you P.S. I have rec[eiv]ed Stublock Coll[ie]ry Leases back again & have sent them to my brother, who says he can set all right by an Endorsem[en]ts. I saw the dra[f]t w[hi]ch you had altered agreeably to the Sense of all parties, but my brother had struck out your alteration without saying any thing to me that he had done so or shewing me the Engrossments. I have also rec[eiv]ed your protest against Lord Crews trustees’ manner of riding their boundary w[hi]ch is a very proper one. I am etc HR