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To Mr Jno Fenwick in Roberts’s Place York Newca[stle] 15th Janry 1768 Sir I communicated your Letter to Sr Wr Blackett and he agrees to let you have the Two hundred pounds on the 22d of this Month in further part of his and Mr Peareths joint bond provided the Indorsements can be got made for it on the said bond and on the Assignment of it in the same forms as before for the £500 and the £300. For this purpose you will please to wait upon Mr Barstow, Town Clerk of Leeds; whom Sir Walter has desired to take the trouble of making these Indorsements and seeing them Signed; and whom you will Satisfy for his trouble. When Mr Barstow advises me that this is done and you return me the inclosed receipts signed by you I shall send you a bill on London at as short a date as I can procure one, or pay the money here to any one you shall order to receive it. I am very glad of your Success in Trade. P.S. My Letter to Mr Barstow is inclosed in one that Sir Walter has written to Mr Wade of New grange; which I mention lest he should not have received it when you wait upon him. I am etc HR