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To Richd Wilson Esqr at Leeds Yorkshire Newca[stle] 19th July 1768 Sir I have received your Letter of the 18th instt inclosing me your Bill on Messrs T Wilson & Planel for two hundred pounds payable to me or order; which I have placed to your Acco[un]t with Sir Walter Blackett; & which when paid will be in full for your proportion of the half Year’s int[e]r[es]t due 27th March last; which Sir Walter paid to the Mortgagees of the £14000 on East Kenton. As soon as the hay and Corn are off the Ground the Surveyor will proceed to measure the several alterations made by Mr King in the Inclosures at West Kenton, & then he will be able to alter the plans & field Book of that Estate as you desire. I am etc HR