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Sir Walter Blackett Baro[ne]t at Wallington Newca[stle] 12th July 1768 Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir Mr Errington has returned Mr Wilson the Draught of the Arbitration Bond, inserting only a Liberty of getting Stones for building Walls and fences, as well as houses: so it will be engrossed directly & one part sent to Sr Thos Wentworth. I hear all the parties have now executed the Arbitration bonds for adjusting the dispute about Lucker Moor & Tithe: so I hope the Arbitrators will proceed in the business without delay. the time allowed Mr Coll. Forster, Arbitrator for the Moor, is till the first of August; & Mr Aynsley & Mr Fenwick, Arbitrators for the Tithe, till the 1st of October next. Mrs Bell was brought to Bed Yesterday Morning of a Son, & I hear is in a fair Way of recovery. I am etc HR