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To Sir Walter Blackett Baro[ne]t at Wallington Newca[stle] 15th Sept 1768 Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir Mr Maughan was here on Tuesday last for Money; but had not finished his Examination of the people about the Langtihead boundary – he expects to do it in about ten Days or a fortnight. So far as he has gone affords but little Satisfaction, & what is worse the Grove is not so good as she was. But on the other hand he says Dawsons Grove is mended and has yeilded 200 bings of ore; and that he has discovered a new vein in Middlehope between Newhouse and Rookhope which is very promising and likely to open an intire new field. Mr Hopper who is partner with Mr Monkhouse the Wine Merchant on the Side, and Son of the late postmaster in Durham has a Turtle which he intends to send you by the Cart on Saturday, if you will allow him. The present postmaster of Durham I believe is his Brother. Sir John and his Brother set out before five o’Clock this Morning. I am etc HR