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To Sir Wr Blackett Bt at Wallington Newca[stle] 20th Novr 1768 Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir I have sent by the bearer the Deeds relating to the Exchange between Mr Errington and You and also the Deed for the purchase of the Wood on delivery whereof either the Money or some Security for it must be given you by Mr Errington. The Money that I have paid on this Acco[un]t is £59 18s 3d to the Com[missione]rs & £1 11s 6d to Mr Wilson for the Carriage of the deeds to pomfret and sending to get them executed by Sr Thos Wentworth amounting together to £61 9s 9d and there remains to pay the Surveyors bill which Mr Bell has and Mr Wilson’s and Mr Heron’s bills which are not yet delivered in. I have also sent by the bearer the dra[ugh]t of the Deed for the purchase of Hexham East Ferry boat w[i]th Mrs Jurins and Mr Fawcetts Letters. As to Mrs Jurins desire of having the Money paid when a temporary bridge is laid so that foot passengers can pass over; Mr Fawcett thinks it sho[ul]d not be insisted on as Mrs Jurin or her Tenant can have their Action against any one that shall pass over by it to the Evasion of the Ferry & that all the Alterations necessary to be made in the dra[ugh]t will be to leave out the words “and finished” in the 4th page which Mr Wilson, to whom I mentioned the Matter, has agreed to. Mr Wray entred to the Stewardship at Wallington on the 22 April 1767 at £100 a Year and Mr Forster succeeded him the 1st Septemr following so that the Salary due to him will be £36 but this will be best settled in his Acco[un]t & as to any thing further that you may intend him it may be done by order either to Mr Bell or me. Mr Heron should give in a List of the Arrears due from the Subscribers to the Hexham Bridge who are within his Collection. Mrs Eden Widow of the late Ald[erma]n Eden, to whom you allowed £21 a year, died at Bath on the 1st instant. I am etc HR