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To Sr Wr Blackett Baro[ne]t MP in Half Moon Street Piccadilly London Newca[stle] 25 Janry 1769 Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir Mr Wray thinks that the wood cut at Anick grange in 1767 and 1768 should now be sold; as it will be worse for lying and as some of it lyes on the ground Mr Errington got by the Exchange. He values it at £90 and says he has met with a person will buy it, as he expects, tho’ he would not make any offer of it till he had your direction. Thomas Skeen, the postilion, is desirous of continuing in your service, if you please. Robert Scott has cut 38 pine apples since you left Newcastle one of which was rotten at the heart, another too suspicious to send to any body, six are sent to London this Morning by the Fly along with those from Wallington (carriage paid) and the rest being 30 in number were distributed, as you bade me according to the inclosed List; before Mr Duffield told me of your Letter about sending what were here to London. Besides these I took one of the Wallington ones and sent it to Dr Fawcett this morning; whom I had forgot till I waited on him yesterday, on receipt of your Letter, about George Young; when he desired me to acquaint You that your recommendations shall always have the greatest weight with him: But that he has heard Young has of late been much addicted to drinking. I have given The Revd Mr Stephenson the 20 Guineas, you ordered, for his Journey. He says he proposes being in London about the Middle of next Month, and will wait upon you to thank you for your goodness. I waited on the Stewards of the Cordwainers & Tanners Companies with Mr Ridley’s compliments and your’s and they will communicate to their Companies what you mention about the Leather business. I find Mr Yielder who does as much in that Trade as all the other Tanners here thinks their Company will have little to add to the memorial they gave you; and believes they will rest contented with the Fate of the petition of the Tanners & Leather Factors in London, whose paper I have not yet received. He further thinks that a Bounty should be given to encourage the importation of the raw materials, and that little objection can be made to a part of the drawback being taken off on the exportation of Hides and Calve’s Skins, Tanned in Great Britain. I have told the Mayor and some of the Aldermen about the Coventry Canal; which they seem to wish may meet with such Local difficulties, as never to interfere with the Trade of this place. To Mr Peareth only, as yet, I have mentioned about the WaterWorks for supplying this Town; and he thinks the Corporation ought not to be proprietors at all; as well because he apprehends the freeman wo[ul]d be inecssarilly [sic] clamorous for an Exemption from any Tax for the water, as because it wo[ul]d be improper to be, at the same time, Lessors or Contractors, w[hi]ch the Corporation are at present, with the new water company; and to be Members of That Company too. As to the £1200 for the Silversmith and the £3000 for Mr Bell I do not know what to say to them except some of the Attornies here can meet with so much on your bond; for it will not be practicable for me to raise even the lesser sum & keep Things right. I will speak to my Brother to enquire among the Lenders, & as soon as I hear any Thing will let you know; & in the mean time Mr Darwin sho[ul]d be enquiring in London. I am etc HR