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To Walter Trevelyan Esqr Queens College Cambridge Newca[stle] 15th April 1768 Sir I am sorry to find by a Letter last post from Mr Darwin that he could not pay your bill; because you had called him Thomas instead of William Alvey Darwin. I understood you designed to draw upon me for the Rentcharge; and so did not furnish him with Money for it. but suppose you have found it easier to get Money at Cambridge for bills on London than on Newcastle – if so you will please to write me by return of the post, & I will send Mr Darwin money to pay your bills. When you draw any upon him you will please to write him that you have done so, & mention the Sum the date of the Bill – how many days it is payable at (w[hi]ch should be 30) & that it is for a qua[rte]rs rentcharge due at such a time out of Sir Walter Blackett’s Estates at Hawick & Sweethope. If you should find it more convenient to draw upon me, at any time, you will please to give me advice of the bill in the same manner; that I may be authorised to place it to Sir Wrs Account. I am etc HR