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To Walter Trevelyan Esqr Queens College Cambridge Newca[stle] 5th June 1768 Sir Last Night I received the favour of your Letter of the 28th Ult[im]o & as I wrote you on the 15th April last you may have your quarterage by drawing a bill either upon Mr Darwin or me. Either of us will pay your draughts with great readiness, if you please but to write a Letter, the same day you draw your bill, to the one or the other of us on whom you have drawn it. The form of the bill and of the Letter you have below; which you will please to vary in point of Date, direction and other Circumstances as the Case may require. If you should determine to draw upon Mr Darwin, I should be obliged to you to write me that you will do so, because He may not at all times have money sufficient in his hands to answer your draughts, unless I remit it him for the purpose. Sometime ago I received a Letter from Mr Brutton as you mentioned but have not since that time heard of a Ship for Exeter: as soon as one offers I shall send him a Kitt of Salmon as you desire. I am etc HR To Mr Wm Alvey Darwin Greys Inn London Cambridge 24 June 1768 Sir I have this day drawn a bill upon you for £62. 10s.0d payable to……………or order twenty days after this date for my Quarters rent charge due from Sir Walter Blackett Baro[ne]t this Day I am etc WT Sir Cambridge 2 June 1768 £62. 10. 0 Twenty days after date pay to …………..or order Sixty two pounds ten shillings value received & place the same to Acco[un]t as advised by Your h[um]ble servant W.T To Mr Willm Alvey Darwin Greys Inn London