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Messrs Walton & Smeaton Newcas 26th Janry 1773 Farnacres Gentlemen I received your Letter of the 25th instt . acquainting me that the Commissioners of Greemwich Hospital have agreed to what Mr Bell & you have done respecting the Division of Sam’s Island & desiring me to to signify whether the carrying the whole into Execution will be agreeable to Sir Walter Blackett. In answer to which I repeat what I communicated to you before that it is intirely agreeable to Sir Walter Blackett that the Division of that Island made by the Award of Sir William Blaxton Knight & Cuthbert Heron Esqs. & dated the 13th September 1635 should now be ascertained by the memorandums and plans signed by you both & Mr Bell and dated 28th October last - As to the other part of your Letter Proposing that the part of that Island allotted to Dilston should be valued by persons indifferently chosen by the Commissioners and Sir Walter & that a Lease agreeable to their Valuation should be offered to Sir Walter for the Term for which he has engaged the whole Island to his Tenant - I shall take the first opportunity of laying the proposal before Sir Walter & giving you his Answer I am etc HR