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To Mr Darwin Grays Inn London Newca[stle] 10th June 1768 Sir I should be glad to have a copy of the Masters reports containing the Acco[un]t of the Trust Estate from the former Adjustm[en]t of it in 1758 when the balance was stated to be £43 14s 4½d due to Sr Wr till the last settling of the same when Woodcroft Estate & the 150 Acres of Fenwick were sold to pay him his £5000; & how the balance now stands. For it is proper that something of this transaction sho[ul]d be entred in the Family Leidger & I cannot do it accurately unless you supply me with materials. What I understand of it is that Woodcroft was sold for £2700 & the 150 Acres for £2700 together £5400. That of this money £5000 was paid to Sr Wr & the remaining £400 was applyed in paying the Costs & Sr Wrs old balance of 43. 14.4½ . Then there will be £5043 14s 4½d out of w[hi]ch Sr Wr p[ai]d £2700 for Woodcroft & the residue being £2343 14s 4½d must be placed I suppose to his proper Acco[un]t. Yo[u]r answer hereto in a little time will inable me to include this matter in the last yrs acc[oun]t w[hi]ch I expect to close in abo[u]t a fortnight I am etc HR