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To Mr Darwin Greys Inn London Newca[stle] 24th Octor 1768 Sir We are likely to have a Dispute with the Commiss[ione]rs of Greenwich hospital who have the Rectory of Hartburn; in which there is an Estate called Rothley that belongs to Sir Walter Blackett, and of which they are now demanding, in a peremptory manner, the Great Tithes – there have never been any tithes paid for this Estate, that I can find; It being always deemed exempt as having belonged to the Cistercian Monks. The inclosed Copy of a Letter from one Wm Green in 1640 is sent you by Sir Wrs direction; the original of which I suppose is among the writings of Wallington Estate as my Father had a Copy of it from Mr Denton. Sir Walter desires you will search for the Records which are mentioned at the bottom of this Letter to have been found in the Tower of London and in the Augmentation Office and to be sufficient to prove that this Estate did belong to those Monks; and that you will get copies of them and send them to me. For if such Evidence is to be had Sir Walter will dispute this point with the hospital. Sir Walter says Mr Hudson has returned him the bond for the £50 a Year during Sir G Trevelyans Life; w[hi]ch will make an Abatement I suppose of £12 10s 0d a qua[rte]r in the Sums I am to remit you, after the present: w[hi]ch I am providing for; as also for Mr Savage’s int[e]r[es]t. I hope you have rec[eiv]ed the two bills for £1700 w[hi]ch I sent you on the 21st instt, copies of which are inclosed. I am etc HR