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To Mr Darwin Grays Inn London Newcas[tle] 6th Aug[u]st 1766 Sir Sir Walter bids me send you the inclosed case: about Mr Ridley’s claim to the coalminers in the part of Winlaton Estate which is called Thornaby; that if you have time before you leave London you may consider it; and after you have examined the title deeds, and made out a more compleat state of the matter, that you may let me have your opinion upon it. And when you are among those deeds I wish you would look whether you have a part of the division deed of 1632 mentioned in the inclosed case; for I never saw more than a copy of it. I have received your acco[un]t which agrees with mine, and when I have the pleasure of seeing you here we will settle it: in the mean time I wish you a good journey & am etc HR