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To Mr Darwin Greys Inn London Newca[stle] 9th Novr 1768 Sir Inclosed you have two bills, as above, for two hundred and Eighty pounds; which I received last post from Mr Wilson of Leeds, desiring I would apply them in discharge of the half year’s int[e]r[es]t due 27 Septemr last, on the two Seven Thousand pounds, charged on the Estate at East Kenton, purchased by him of Sir Wr Blackett. Which bills therefore I have sent to You, and desire you will in the first place put then to my Acco[un]t, and advise me of the receipt of them; and then that you will, when they become due, pay the Money to the Mortgagees; and take the receipt in the Name of Mr Wilson, mentioning the payment to be made by me, that it may be a Voucher to my Acco[un]t with him. The purchase deeds are not yet engrossed; owing to some difficulties started by my Brother (to whom it was given to be engrossed) respecting Sir Walters two Bonds; which matter is now before Mr Wilson. I received a Letter from you last Night, with a receipt for the three hundred and Eighty five pounds eight shillings which I sent you to make the quarterly payments to 31st Decer next, and have given you Credit for that Sum in the Account between us. The Tithes of Rothley will be considerable, & well worth the Search if any thing can be found to our purpose. I apprehend the Additions to Mr Green’s Letter were made subsequent to the date of it, and after the Success they had had in the Searches for the Records in the Tower of London and in the Augmentation Office; for which he directs them to search in St Mary’s Tower in York. If you can meet with Them, Sir Walter would have Copies taken of what you think material in them to prove that Newminster was of the Cistertian Order – that it was founded before the third Lateran Council – That Rothley was given to it by Richd Gosebeck and the grant confirmed in Edwd the first’s time – and that the Abby was above the value. As to the Lease which they let of Rothley for 40 Years; and which will be, I apprehend, the only Thing against us, if you meet with the above mentioned process, Sir Walter will take Advice whether that will defeat him or no – for before that Lease, of which there were only 12 Years gone at the dissolution of the Monastry, this Estate might have been appropriated to the furnishing the Monastry with bread etc; and might have been enjoyed as in their own Tillage, before the Third Lateran Council. I am etc HR P.S. Inclosed I send you some Extracts from Tanners Notitia Monastica in which if you find any thing worth searching for the originals of Sir Walter desires you will do it – there is only the pat. 10 Ed 2 de limitibus dominicalium Abbatia that to me appears material. Peter Birts bill on Jer Jno & Robt Royds at one Mon[th] dated 6 Novr £140.0.0 Do on do as above 140.0.0 280.0.0 Armin 6th Novemr 1768 £140 One month after date pay Richard Wilson Esqr or order One hundred and forty pounds, value received, with or without Advice from Peter Birt Pay the within Contents to Mr Henry Richmond or order Ric Wilson Pay the Contents to Mr Wm Alvey Darwin or order Value in Account Hen Richmond To Messrs Jer Jno & Robt Royds London Armin 6th Novr 1768 £140 One month after date Pay Richd Wilson Esqr or Order One hundred and forty pounds value received, with or without Advice from Peter Birt Pay the within Contents to Mr Henry Richmond or order Ric Wilson Pay the Contents to Mr Wm Alvey Darwin or order value in Account Hen Richmond To Mesrs Jer Jno & Robt Royds London