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Mr Morrow, Blaydon Dukesf[iel]d: 7th May 1779 D'r S'r I hope you have been able to wate upon Mr Blackett at the time desired and that you'll get me a Tickett for the Rookhope Lead made ere long - as your Carriage f[ro]m the Bankf[oo]t starts on Monday have below given you the Names of those who signed the Article at Blaydon and I desire that you'll not allow any to carry of S'r Thos. Blackett's Lead f[ro]m thence but those mentioned below - shall in my next give you the heads of the Articles I am Yrs &c I.H. NB there will come f[ro]m Rookhope this season Lead (8 stone p[iece]s) marked w[it]h an L (not joined to the WB as the other L Lead) which is made f[ro]m a different sort of Ore and ought to be kept separate; Mr Mulcaster I suppose will choose to work it bt it's self as it will not answ'r so well for so well for Litharge as the other Lead f[ro]m that Mill.