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Thomas Richd Beaumont Esqr Newcastle 25th Septr 1793 Doncaster Dear Sir I wrote to you the 22d inst to which I refer you. I have by this days post Mr Skelton’s letter of the 23d inst after having consulted with Mr Williamson & Mr Heron I shall answer it and your directions shall be followed respecting the Rentals to be made out by the several Stewards. I have been applied to by Mr Fishwick (a partner with the Walkers) for the lowest price of 10,000 p[iece]s of Lead one half to be refin’d, I asked him £17 per F[odde]r which he refused to give but I have reason to think that they would go to £16-10 and no further, this Morning Mr C Blackett made the like enquiry of me for his Friends Mr Freeman and Preston without making an Offer of a Price _ 2000 p[iece]s of Refin’d Lead have been sold at Stockton at 17£ per that Fothe[]r which is equal to about £16-5 the Newc[astle] Fo[dde]r and Mr Freeman has an Offer of a large Quantity at that place at £16-10 the Newc[astle] Fo[dde]r but would give the preference to your Lead _ No Offers have yet been made to me for Lead for the House of Lancaster & Co _ I am well informed that the London Houses are in want of Lead but I do not think that they will exceed £16-10 and in my Opinion it will be advisable to accept of that price, provided it be for a large Quantity and I am satisfied that the first great Sale that is made will be the best; there is a large Quantity of Chester Lead at Markett, which has been offered at a lower price and not accepted off. I shall wait for your directions as Mr Fishwick & Mr C Blackett will expect an Answer In the next Sale of Lead it will be advisable that some caution should be used respecting the future Security; Mr Fishwick who makes the purchases is a partner in the House of Walkers & Co. Mr Freeman and Preston are willing to enter into any engagement for your security for the Lead which Mr C Blackett may purchase; I have not heard from Lancaster & Co on that Lead no offers having yet been made on their behalf; altho[ugh] it will be necessary that the like caution sh[oul]d be taken respecting them, yet at the same Time care must be taken that the New Mode that we may Adopt may not effect your claim on the House of Lancaster & Co sho[ul]d that Matter be Litigated _ I direct this to Doncaster where I hope this may find Mrs Beaumont and you in good Health and agreeably entertained I am etc J.E.B