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Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 6th. Feb.y 1803.- Portman Square London Dear Sir I have been applied to by Mr. Clark Jr. of Hexham, to know if you or Mrs. Beaumont had given any Directions respecting your Subscription towards the building a small Vestry at the Chapel at Binfield, of which you have the Presentation; the Estimate of the Expence does not exceed £30 -.. -.. Mr. & Mrs. Clark give the Ground, Mr. Clark Jr. £5 -.. -.. Mr. H. Errington £5 -5 -.. Mr. Ord of London will contribute towards it; it is certainly a necessary Measure; Mr. Clark at the same time mentioned the late Fire on the Roof of the Chancel of Hexham Church, which Accident has been twice occasioned by the Carelessness of the Plummer leaving the Work to idle Prentices; as the Lead of the Chancel is in very bad Condition and will want frequent & expensive Repairs, it will certainly be advisable that the Lead be taken off & replaced with Westmorland Slate; which would be attended with little or no Expence; possibly some gain; in Case this should be approved of; the sooner in the Summer that it is done the better, but previous to the Measure, it will be necessary that Application should be made to the ArchBishop of York and his leave obtained for the Purpose; in similar Cases it has commonly been complied with.- This Morning the Mother of Hannah Ashton called on me to return Thanks for my Attention to her Daughter, who she intends to take home with her on Tuesday next by Mr. Ingham’s Advice; she is very much reduced, and so weak that she can with Difficulty be got home, and I fear that there is little Prospect of her Recovery.- I have not heard of a Person that may be likely to answer your Purpose as a Land Steward who is willing to reside at Dukesfield. – T. Crawhall goes tomorrow with Subsistence Money for the Workmen, and to make a Lead Carriage Pay. I am &c. J.E.B.