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Sir Sir Thomas Blackett orders me to inform you he received the Box with the Leases but found out the Mistake immediately but not being satisfied with our own Opinions consulted Mr. West also who agreed with the same, Sir Thomas desires you will get the Instrument which is Indorsed on the back of the Leases of Livery & Seisin executed as soon as possible & let him know when that is done, you will see by the Leases who is impowered to Act for the Bishop in that affair, & Sir Thomas you'll order Mr. Bell to attend to see them properly executed Sir Thomas intends going to Pontefract on Tuesday next to Sign the Counterparts of the Leases if they be got there & will return you the Bishops Leases to him by some of the Machines at Ferrybridge on that Day. Sir Thomas desires his Compts. to you & wou'd have wrote himself but has got the Rhumatism in his arm he returns you thanks for the Kitt of Salmon I am Sir your most Obedt. Servt. Luke Noble