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Copy from Mr Morrison of Newcastle - Mr.Beaumont’s Agent to Sir J. Swinburne. Newcastle 13th Jany 1824 Sir I forwarded to Mr Beaumont the note* you enclosed to me with a Copy of your letter and I am directed to say in answer to you ‘that he has fulfilled his Duty in informing your Daughter by the only means in his power of his continued attachment to her.’ I am also directed by Mr Beaumont to inform you that ‘in order to rescue his Character from the condemnation of the world, he has found it necessary to write to several of his friends a full account of all that has passed between Ly S, yourself and him, since your Daughter accepted him, having to reflect seriously on the Conduct of Ly S & yourself, he thinks it both manly and on every account proper, to make this known to you, as his object is to bring the Truth to light. He feels the subject is of so delicate a nature that such a disclosure should if possible have been avoided but he owes it to his family and to himself to show the necessity of the Conduct he has pursued by declaring the circumstances which compel him to it, and to do all in his power to dispel the disgrace into which he has so unmeritedly fallen.’ In making this painful communication I have correctly transcribed that which Mr W. Beaumont directs me to transmit to you. I have the Honor etc (Signed) Martin Morrison *. Mr W, Beaumont’s letter to Elizabeth was returned unopened with a Declaration she would not have any thing more to say to him.
JGL A40/9.