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Mr Bartholomew Harle Ditto [Newcastle 24 February 1676/7] I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 20th present for answer unto w[hi]ch may please to take notice that there is noe such Greate hast of yo[u]r payinge any money to Mr Humphrey Willett and Company as you seeme to mention nore doe I desire you should untill you certaynely knoweath owneres dividend and then shall nott question yo[u]r payinge of w[ha]t is dew to my Cousen Cirkehouse [Kirkehouse] to my Order and w[ha]t you pay upon yo[u]r owne account It shall bee God willinge repay[e]d again upon the least word from you and if any of yo[u]r owners have nott disposed of their money doe you pay itt to s[ai]d Willettes if you thinke convenient and I will pay them heare ~ I wish you all happinesse in all yo[u]r undertakings and soe remayne MB: