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M[esseu]rs Cha[rles]: and Ja[mes]: Bankes: Ditto [Newcastle 10 February 1677] Sirs My last to you was of the 6th present to w[hi]ch referres you Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the 23d past w[i]th an Inclosed to Mr John Strother w[hi]ch I have delivered they contentes whereof In my oppinion t'is a little too harsh and more Hector like then Merchant like; for noe Merch[an]t Infallible itt may bee his mistake and it may prove yo[u]rs I shall censure neither of you untill I know the certaynty; nor is there any neede that I should require satisfaction from him before hee goe from hence; In respect that I cann lay nothing to his chardge if I had not taken him to bee an honest and credible Man (as I doe still) I would nott have given him that creditt I gave him you have a Coppie of the Creditt side of my Account Currant from him w[hi]ch if you please to compayre w[i]th the Debit sid[e] of my account Currant you sent mee noe question but you will soone finde the mistake you debitt mee for his draughtes upon you for thrise RD1200 [RD: Rijksdaalder - Dutch, ‘national dollar’] and hee gives mee Creditt but for twice RD:1200 his bills for w[hi]ch are dated 31 March 76 and the 22d Aprill 76; of all w[hi]ch I doe allow; now if you have any other of his billes of another date for RD:1200 either In one bill or two bills pray send mee they pm.s [promissory note?] w[i]th his letters of advice thereof and you will very much pleasure MB: