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Mess[eu]rs Cha: and Jam: Bankes Ditto [Newcastle 23 September1676] Sirs My last to you was of the 12th present To w[hi]ch referes you Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs if the 4th present w[hi]ch requieringe little answer will cause brevity this serveinge cheifly to advise you that I have Endeavored to sell yo[u]r woodden Comodityes as much as In mee lyes; but have nott to this day beene able to gett my desire Effected none will bid mee money for the same w[hi]ch vexes mee to the heart And w[hi]ch vexed mee more the Carpenters telles mee the goods beinge soe unfitt for this Markett; that they will Engadge I shall not dispose of all In seaven years time expect I give them haffe [half] for nothinge my demandes are 12d p[er] foote the Crooked Timber and £4 p[er] loade for the Planks theire answer is they will nott give mee 3d p[er] foote for the Timber nor £2:10:0 a Loade for the planke to take all And I must either sell all together or none for if I should sell thes very best aloane I am of that oppinion the rest may lye longe enough; w[ha]t I doe I am councelled to date by good Freinds though t'is true I am offred 12d a foote for some peece of the Timber and £4:10 a Loade for some of the Planke; but doe refuse itt Thinkeinge itt nott to be for yo[u]r Advantage now Sir you know of all that is past In the businesse pray affoard mee yo[u]r Advise and you will oblidge M:B: