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Mess[eur]s Cha[rles]: and Jam[es]: Bankes Newcastle Aprill the: 24th 1677 Sirs My last to you was of the 6th present to w[hi]ch referres you Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the 10th present; w[he]n I writt you last I did Realy thinke to have writt you againe within 3 or 4/d[ays] after but those holly dayes by past did prevent mee; w[he]n my Customers were nott to be Spoaken w[i]thall; but now I have had a large discourse w[i]th them about yo[u]r Timber and have also taken theire finall resolution; w[hi]ch is to give mee 24s for every 40 foot one w[i]th the other though In this letter before mee you give mee full Order for the Sale thereof; yett soe poore a price beinge the most I can bee bid will nott venture to doe itt w[i]thout yo[u]r Order ~ you need nott fear punctuall payment for w[ha]t goodes I sell I thinke I take care to deale w[i]th good Substantiall men haveinge a greate ambition to deale further w[i]th you wee shall nott fall out about the Error of RD 1200: [Dutch Rijks dollar] pray p[er] first conveniencey of Shippinge Send mee over an Aume [Aam] of the best old Hock In Hamb[urg]: that can bee gott for money; markinge itt AH directinge the same to Mr Anthony Heron noe Merchant observe, to whome pray write a lett[e]r both by Post and Shippinge as if hee were your very good freind and that for Old accquentance and the many businesses Rec[eive]d from him you present that token unto him butt tell the Mr t'is mine; onely bid him be sure hold his Tongue I am MB: