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Mes[seu]rs Cha[rles]: and James Bankes ditto [3 February 1677] Sirs I have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the 16th past w[i]th two p[ri]mo billes of Exchange; from Mr Strother w[hi]ch are not they billes In difference; Soe (that I may noe more in vayne trouble you about this) doe here under send that the Creditt side of his account Currant vizt <Imp[re]is> one Bill p[ri]mo March upon Peter Wattson for RD 0300: one more 22 ditto [March] upon yo[u]r selves for RD 0300: two more 31 ditto [March] w[hi]ch Billes I have In my hands RD 1200:= tow [two] more 22 Aprill for RD 1200:= one more 31 May for RD 0178:= two more June the 14th: and 17th for RD 1650:= And his last Draught for RD:0400:= [RD: Rijksdaalder - Dutch, ‘national dollar’] which will easily discover the mistake – If on his side you are both to blame; hee for drawinge above Comission and you for acceptinge but if on yo[u]rs I immagine t'is misplaced in account soe lett them that have had the benefitt thereof give satisfaction principally Intrest; for I can make use of my money as well as otheres pray give mee yo[u]r speedy answer and lett mee know to whome you delivered my Inclosed for Mr Na: Wattson; itt was for my freind and hee hath Rec[eive]d noe answer thereto I am MB: