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Mr. Cha: and Ja: Bankes ditto Sirs My last to you was of the 22d of Ap[r]ill 76, w[hi]ch I doe confirme Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the 21th and 25th past doe heartily thank you for your continuall advice how Squares goes w[i]th Jno Strother but I have soe good an oppinion of him, that I will trust him w[i]th £1000 St[erlin]g soe that hee drawes upon you upon my account to that ballene [balance] pray let his Bills be accepted, And for noe more till further Order ~ yo[u]r Bill of £72:7:2d payable 2/us [2 months usance] to Sir Jno: Fredericke and Compa[ny] is nott yett presented, when t'is, it shall receive acceptance and paym[en]t att London when due by Messeeures Hum Willett and Compa[ny] in whose house make all yo[u]r Bills payable for future that you draw upon mee ~ Sir pray doe mee the kindnesse as advise mee In w[ha]t money you keepe yo[u]r Bookes for I remember to the last of my knowledge, that some Marchants in yo[u]r place keepes theires In <m.> - 1s – d <Lups> and others In £ fl 1s d degros as att Amsterdam, And for future, how much you make mee D[ra]w for every Bill you pay And how much you Creditt mee for every Bill you charge In doeing of which and sendinge forward the Inclosed w[i]th all speed you will very much oblidge MB:
‘livre de gros tournois’ was a synonym for ‘franc’