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Brother Edward ditto [Newcastle 16 June 1677] I am desired by my Brother Davison and very earnestly to lett you know hee expects his money very shortly accordinge to advice given him itt beinge now dew and w[hi]ch makes him more move this businesse is that within a few dayes hee is to pay a considerable sume w[hi]ch without yo[u]r furnishing him w[i]th w[ha]t was promised hee will bee for straytened and forced to borrow £100: or £200: these were his very words to mee this night and besides Brother I am this day come from the pay and by discourse I find my Cousen John Blacket very ready and earnest for the having in of his money and both of them lookes upon complyance from mee for my part I doe assure you provided you hold yo[u]r resolution and give me but yo[u]r Order I shall pay wh[a]t you doe desire very readily and in the meane time I desire you to send mee my Lady yorkes bill upon Mes[srs] Willettes for what you thinke convenient without w[hi]ch hee will nott place one farthinge to my Creditt upon yo[u]r account ~ My Father this night gott very well home all friends God be thanked very well here; I hope the same w[i]th you w[i]th my humble service to my Sister I remayne MB: