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Brother Edw[ar]d Ditto: 19 May: 1677 I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 15th present I am Gladd you have satisfied Mr Willet w[i]th the payinge him £500=: so soone as hee shall dispose of my Lady yorkes Leede in his handes my acctiones will require; noe more except you order mee to pay money for you In this place w[hi]ch if you doe shall bee observed and I am certaine both J:D: and JB: accordinge to warninge given them by yo[u]r Order does expect their money when dew t'is very certaine my Lady is sett forward for London when I heare you are att Richmond will God willinge come and see you and I hope to see both you and my sister att our Horsse Course to whome pray rememeber my humble service I hope you will never goe by the Old House of Doncaster and soe I remayne MB: