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Brother Edward Ditto [Newcastle 2 February 1677] I have this day Shipped aboard the Vessell of Robert Wigganer a Ma[ste]r of this place 2 Small Rundletts for you marked EB: the one of Ale and the other of Salmon; for w[hi]ch you may please to send yo[u]r man to call for (about the time you thinke s[ai]d Vessell may be arrived) to my Corespondent his house Mr Hum[phrey]: Willett by name. And if they bee come to his hands hee will cause them to bee delivered; or otherwise if nott come; yo[u]r man may acquaint him where you lodge; that soe soone as they doe come hee may give you notice where to send for them neither of them can I commend unto you for good either in quantity or quallity; but onely to lett you know; that If I had any thinge that I know of that were a greater Rarity; that I could p[ro]cure itt more att yo[u]r service; soe this serves cheifly to putt you In minde; that you are nott yett destitute of freinds my humble service to my Sister I am MB: