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Mr: Henry Maister Newcastle March the: 30th 1677 Sir I have before mee both yo[u]rs of the 21th and 23d present the former by Thomas Wilson and the latter by Post w[hi]ch God willinge I shall now answer att large; the Goodes send I have Rec[eive]d and the Cost and Charges there of beinge £66:15:4d have placed to yo[u]r Creditt I desire to know how you please to have w[ha]t is dew unto you disposed of and yo[u]r Order shall bee observed; <.her> wanted a barr of the fine Incl Squar[e]: w[hi]ch I have deducted of the Ma[ste]rs freight the Good are to Content; Expectinge the Iron w[hi]ch is betwixt the Sockes; w[hi]ch are sent for Coulter Mouldes; they are as like Coulters as Chalke is like Cheese In short all that Iron is soe much losse unto mee; Inclosed is a certificatt; the Cost beinge 3S 4d: I thinke the Ma[ste]r ought to pay Soe bee pleased to p[ro]cure itt for I heare hee is lyinge Sicke In yo[u]r place; I will have noe more Socke Mouldes ass yett; but whenever you send mee any more, lett there bee as little Iron besides the Sockes as is possible; for once more that is all losse I have got yo[u]r <6d> this beinge the needfull I remayne MB: I will have noe thicke Squa[r]e att 15S for I can nott sell itt here above 14:S