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Newcastle March 5th 1677/8 Mr Hen: Maister Sr I have before mee yours of the 23th past, am satisfyed wth the sort of Iron my brother Davison had from you, but I doe assure you I was Informed it was of the very sort of myne, and I am Certaine my Brother Davison himselfe did Expect itt soe to bee, wch was the Cause of my writing that letter of the 19th past, but pray noe more of itt, and lett all that is by past be Clearely forgott. I Long to heare from you of the Shipping of that parcell of Iron In your hands you Intended mee, and likewise of the 100 bars thick square wch pray lett be Effected as Soone as is possisble, I[f] there being in your place that will sell mee 30 40 or 50 tonn of Sweeds Iron Reasonably, I would buy itt If any such bars be mett w[ith]all and will be pleased to Import unto mee the sorts and his Lowest price, I will give an Answer p[er] very first post God willing very possible that ere Long I have the happiness to kisse your hands, haveing a Little businesse att Yorke, and a days Journey to see a friend is not much valued by MB