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Mr Hum: Willett and Compa[ny] ditto [Newcastle 1 July 1676] Sirs I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 22d and 27th past the Bill of £200 was accepted and Returned In due time w[hi]ch I hope came safe to yo[u]r hands; and the 2S10d Chardge of the p[ro]test you sent mee have placed to yo[u]r Creditt; yesterday I accepted a Bill for £300 drawne from Hambrough [Hamburg] by Mess[eiu]rs Bankes the 12 past payable 2/us [2 months usance] In yo[u]r house to Dan Abersure or Order, w[hi]ch pray lett bee complyed w[i]th all w[he]n due Inclosed you have a bill of £200; of w[hi]ch pray p[ro]cure the needfull; Now Sirs I have a Vessell at Stockholme; w[hi]ch I freighted called the Owne[u]rs lone of Newcastle W[illia]m Lecke Ma[ste]r burthen about 160 Tunnes; Inclosed is a letter of her arrivall; who is bound for this place w[i]th her Loadinge of Iron Pitch and Tarr; all upon my owne account but because the Adventure is greate and I but a younge Trader I desire you to Insure mee upon the goodes (I meane gett mee Insured upon the Goods) £600 or 700 upon the best tearmes you can the Vessell <has a> forraigne bottomme hollandes build but as free In England as any of that sort is I tell you all the very truthe that thinges may bee rightly understood and to p[re]vent differences lett happen w[i]th God pleases; tis now Summer Time; soe hopes you may gett my desires effected upon reasonable Tearmes; but w[ha]t ever you doe shall bee to the satisfaction of MB: Pray returne mee my lett[e]r w[he]n you have done w[i]th itt